All Stuffed Up

Stuffed up with goodness that is! Just you wait and see.

We’re back a bit early this week for two reasons. First and foremost to express our gratitude to Deborah over at Taste and Tell Blog for featuring Eat, Play, Love in this week’s Blogger Spotlight. For those of you that aren’t familiar with Deborah’s blog, it’s a wonderful and delicious little space in the blogosphere. Deborah is a blogging veteran, a pro. She creates simple and tasty recipes and shares them through an honest writing style and tantalizing photos. To say we were honored would be an understatement. Thank you Deborah!

Now for the second reason we’re posting today – Blueberry Stuffed French Toast. It’s our latest contender in the French Toast Tourney and if this doesn’t end up as one of the final four, well you can butter my buns and call me a biscuit. In other words, you may not want to wait for the winner next March. This one is a must try, at least in my book. 

While I wasn’t planning on really cooking on Mother’s Day, French toast seemed like a great way to hang out with the kids and enjoy some deliciousness. Plus it’s French toast – it doesn’t get much easier. So to get started we crafted our own recipe based on ingredients we had on hand and what sounded good.

We started by mixing some mascarpone cheese with powdered sugar and some lemon zest.

You can bet Miss A was all over this part of the recipe. She just couldn’t help herself from sampling the stuffing. It is cheese and sugar after all.

Next she and Mike sliced the tops off of the buns and cut pockets through the center. We chose a white bread bun, but thick bread would work equally well. Miss A then helped to stuff the mascarpone mix into the pockets which lent itself to more taste testing.

While Mike and Miss A were busy stuffing, I worked on our toppings. First I grabbed some pecans, butter, brown sugar and cinnamon.

I toasted the pecans in the butter and then caramelized them in the sugar. Yum!

Next I whipped up some of our good ol’ Maine Blueberry Sauce. Next to our Kauai Granola this is probably one of our most often repeated recipes. We typically use Maine blueberries which we find frozen at the store, but regular blueberries would work just as well. I’m just partial to the Maine variety.

Once the sauce was cooling it was time to prepare the French toast.

Mr. N was on-deck for his expert whisking and dipping. For the batter he whisked together eggs, milk, vanilla and freshly grated nutmeg. He then soaked the stuffed bread in the egg mixture, coating it completely, as Miss A serenaded him through her “microphone.” On this particular day she was singing that 80’s classic, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun – which she doesn’t merely sing, but belts out with a level of passion and soul that is sure to make Cyndi Lauper proud. It’s quite entertaining. Mr. N remained unphased, however, and focused on his task at hand.

And it was all over his hands!

Next it was onto the butter greased griddle with our freshly dipped French toast. We cooked the bread about 3 to 4 minutes per side, until it was golden brown and the cheese in the center was nice and warm.

Then it was time to dig in! We topped the blueberry stuffed French toast with the toasted, sugary pecans, blueberry sauce and a dollop of freshly whipped cream (into which we threw some lemon zest).

Needless to say, I thought this was darn, stinkin’ wonderful! It was definitely a 4 spoon French toast for me and so far, my leading contender. It was simply perfection for my taste buds. The blueberry and lemons – yum! The buttery pecans and whipped cream – oh my! Yes, I’m smitten with this one.

Miss A and Mr. N were quite pleased too. Mr. N had seconds and Miss A actually ate most of her serving. She’s a huge blueberry fan, much like her Pops was – I know he would have LOVED this. Each of the kids gave this 4 spoons too.

Mike, the biggest fan of blueberries in the house, didn’t give this 4 spoons though. I have to say, he is a harsh critic when it comes to his breakfast foods and has a really high bar for his 4 spoon ranking. He did enjoy the French toast immensely, but said he still wasn’t willing to give this one top marks. His system for ranking French toast seems almost as complicated to me as the RPI. No doubt French Toast Madness will be interesting.

So if you’re looking for a delicious, highly caloric, brunch recipe for the weekend, this one is a winner. It’s sure to leave you good and stuffed.

Many thanks again to Deborah! We’ll be back early next week to announce the next country on our culinary tour. Mike’s up to bat this round. And we’ll likely have a new state night to feature as well. Have a great weekend everyone. Cheers!

Print this recipe: Blueberry Stuffed French Toast
(Measurements are approximate as we did this on the fly.)

26 thoughts on “All Stuffed Up

  1. Kelly @ Inspired Edibles says:

    Oh my… look at all the deliciousness I missed while we were away!! I don’t think I have ever had a stuffed french toast before… this is such a unique idea – I’m not sure I could start my day with it (lest I slip into a diabetic coma ;-)) but I would love this sort of thing as a special dessert… the blueberries, caramelized pecans, mascarpone… absolutely dreamy… your grandfather would have loved this one Kristy!


  2. Nami | Just One Cookbook says:

    My gosh this French toast looks so good – one of the best or really the best ever. Thanks for the recipe – I might try this coming weekends or maybe in summer time when we have more time. I love Miss A singing with “microphone”! SUPER adorable!


  3. profiterolesandponytails says:

    I could handle waking up to this dish for breakfast any day of the year. With those carmelized pecans and the marscapone cheese, I’m weak in the knees just thinking about it. Hope you had a great Mother’s day and had a chance to put your feet up Kristy. I was soooo lazy — I didn’t even buy groceries for the week. We managed to get by on left-overs!


  4. Deborah says:

    This sounds like the PERFECT Mother’s day recipe! And I seriously love, love that picture of Miss A singing. Hilarious!! And I’m so grateful to you for participating in my series – I loved having you!!


  5. Courtney says:

    Yep, that one definitely looks like a winner in my book – holy cow that has gotta be rich! (And I’m sorry, the mental picture of Miss A belting out GJWHF to that microphone while Mr N concentrates is just awesome. I may have even giggled.)


  6. Three Well Beings says:

    How lovely to have been featured in another blog! Your wonderful photos, especially those including the family, hold wonderful appeal! It is obvious to me that this great recipe is both tasty and a lot of fun to make! I saw those smiles! And yes, at times a highly caloric taste sensation is just fine with me! Have a great family weekend, Kristy! Debra


  7. Dawn says:

    This looks OUTSTANDING, and I am not even a fan of fruit on french toast!! I have a french toast recipe I can’t wait to make, I hope it gets into your list if it is good!


  8. Charles says:

    Mmm, this is by far my favourite out of your french toasts so far – everything about this screams “eat me”! The delicious looking pecans, the berries, the cheese….. oooooh 😀 Boo to Mike for not giving this 4! I’d call it quits on the big show-down right now… I don’t think anything can top this… but we’ll see…….. 😀


  9. hotlyspiced says:

    What a great recipe and it looks like you all had great fun making this complete with entertainment blasted at you by a Cyndi Lauper mimic. Those caramelised pecans must have been amazing. xx


  10. Yvette says:

    What a delicious result..looks absolutely divine…and all the add on’s certainly would fill you up with sweetness.I love this morning treat look!


  11. Just A Smidgen says:

    Wooowwwzer! This one is a triple-hitter.. not only did you use buns, but you stuffed them.. then poured and drizzled and whipped creamed and syrup? I think I would serve these for a dessert as well.. I’m dying to try one, seriously!


  12. ChgoJohn says:

    French toast is a great breakfast, no doubt, but this one is off the charts. Stuffed French toast that includes blueberries, mascarpone, pecans caramelized in sugar, lemon-flavored whipped cream. Are you kidding me? Everything about this dish is fantastic. What will it take to get a “4” from Mike? This will get interesting as the tourney progresses…


  13. Eva Taylor says:

    I just love that shot of Miss A, so adorable. And I can just imagine her belting out that song. The French toast looks delicious, and those caramelized pecans are such a wonderful addition. Looks like the perfect mother’s day brunch. Have a great weekend.


  14. sallybr says:

    I mentioned before to you (I think) that I’ve never had French toast, right?

    Even Phil finds that hard to believe, but I am a French toast AND a waffle virgin. Shame.

    loved the photos!


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