Off and Running

One of the great things to come out of these cooler temps we’ve been having lately is my running season is off to an early start. I don’t like to run in the summer. Temps above 75 are just not for me, which is odd because I spend at least two to three times a week in hot yoga with temperatures between 95F and 105F degrees. Anyway, today was my first morning run of the season and it was a good one. Temperatures hovering around 60, not a cloud in the sky, sun shinning, flowers still blooming – it was perfect. In fact it was so perfect, I ran farther than I ever have before (without stopping to walk) and was just getting to the point of winding down when I looked up and saw a coyote about 100 feet from me. Needless to say, my run did not wind down, but rather picked up to a speedy pace (amazing what a little adrenaline will do) and I ran back toward civilization (thank goodness for early morning golfers).

I know that coyotes are probably more afraid of us than we are of them, but I wasn’t about to hang around to find out. He never came closer, but did run parallel to me, tracking my moves until I came within range of the golfers and golf carts. Then he disappeared and I ran on home. So now that I’m all wiped out (but mentally exhilarated from an exciting first run), I’m going to turn today’s post over to Mr. N. He had a “write a blog post” on his list of things to do this summer. Take it away Mr. N…

School starts in four days. I don’t want to go to school. I had a great summer and I don’t want it to be over. I liked everything I did this summer like going to play tennis, going for ice cream, playing at the pool and I liked having my birthday. My favorite thing was acting camp. I liked practicing my lines, being in a play and making new friends.

I guess I’m looking forward to seeing my friends, recess, lunch time, art class, drama class and gym class. I also like riding the bus and I can finally ride in the back of the bus since I’m in third grade. But I don’t want to talk about school anymore. Let’s talk about French toast. Since we’re doing the French toast championship, it was time for a new one. My mom had her favorite French toast ever at a restaurant called Jam, and we tried to make it at home. Mom’s calling it Malted Custard French Toast with Cherry Rum Compote. Compote is a weird word. I don’t think we should use it. It’s just fruit cooked in syrup.

First we made the batter. We used eggs, milk, malted milk powder and vanilla.

Next we dipped the bread in the batter and put it in a dish. We poured the leftover batter onto the bread and stuck it in the fridge. It stayed in there all night.

In the morning we baked the French toast for 30 minutes in the oven at 350F. Oh, that reminds me I have a riddle. What’s the meanest thing a cook does?

He whips the cream and beats the eggs. So my dad whipped the cream, but he had to because it’s in the recipe. But it’s not ordinary whipped cream. It has lime juice in it. I like lime juice.

Next mom made the cherry topping. It had brown sugar and rum in it. The one for me and Miss A didn’t have the rum, just sugar.

When the bread was done baking, we grilled it on the stove.

Then when it was done we put the cherry stuff on top and then the whipped cream. Then mom took a bunch of a pictures and we finally got to eat.

It was FAN-tastic! I liked the cherries and whipped cream and how crispy the bread was. I gave it 4 spoons.

Miss A gave it 5 spoons even though I don’t think she really liked it. She only ate the whipped cream and some cherries. Mom asked her to eat some of the bread. She ate one piece and said she was full. I think she either didn’t like it or she already spoiled her appetite that day, but I’m not sure.

My dad gave it 3 spoons. He liked it, but still doesn’t think we have a champion yet.

My mom gave it 3 spoons too. She said it wasn’t as good as the one she had at Jam, but she wasn’t surprised. She said they make theirs sous vide. I don’t know what that means. Something about cooking it in vacuum sealed plastic…the restaurant probably has its secrets.

That about wraps it up. I’m not really excited about school, but I really, really liked this French toast. Thanks and until next time… Mr. N

You can tell someone is a little grumpy about summer being over. I think it’s a bit of first day nerves too. New teacher, new material, new kids in his class. By next week, he’ll be back having fun with his friends and his jitters will be over. Miss A on the other hand, can’t wait for school. Then again, I’d be happy to go back to preschool too! So would Mr. N who repeatedly reminds Miss A how good she has it with her markers, paints, toys, crayons and no homework.

Well, that wraps up our celebratory and fun recipes from the past few weeks. Next time we’ll get back to our cooking around the world. Miss A is taking us to Australia! See you down under, and until then, we’re off and running…back to school (and away from coyotes).

Print this recipe: Malted Custard French Toast

53 thoughts on “Off and Running

  1. Profiteroles & Ponytails says:

    Mr. N what part did you play in acting cla? My oldest ponytail was red ridinghood in Shrek. She had a blast at drama camp! We are sad that summer is almost over too — but there are lots of fall activities to look forward to! Good luck in school! The cherry French Toast looks amazing, Thanks for sharing!


  2. Geni - Sweet and Crumby says:

    Wow, Mr. N. sure knocked this one out of the park. Glad you ran to safety Kristy. Coyotes can certainly be scary when they are stalking you. This French Toast looks incredible and like nothing I’ve had before…can’t wait to give it a try…after all it’s a FIVE spoon dish. 😉 Good luck Mr. N. on your first days of school.


  3. spicegirlfla says:

    I am so impressed with this post Mr. N! You did a fabulous job! As soon as you’re ready to do guest posts, just let me know!! I smiled as I read all the way through! This french toast looks amazing to me! I’m interested that it was baked and then griddled! Two step french toast! Good luck at school! Enjoy the bus ride, recess and gym class!


  4. Purely.. Kay says:

    Now Kristy… is Mike getting more handsome… or is it that he’s holding a whisk that makes him even more handsome? LOL. I know when my significant other has a whisk in his hand… I am happy LOL. I Love the french toast girl. And Mr. N, you can take over my blog any day :). Hugs


  5. Ashley - bakerbynature says:

    You’re far more composed than me… I think I would have ran, arms flailing like wild woman, screaming my head off if I saw anything resembling a coyote (I do the same thing when near a hot yoga room). On to the french toast: I WANT!! Looks amazing!


  6. Kate@Diethood says:

    I am sending Ana to preschool this year (twice a week) and my anxiety levels are through the roof… I’m soooo scared! 🙂 I know I could help myself calm down with a serving or two of your french toast…it looks so good!


  7. Dawn says:

    I am so impressed with Mr. N’s post – well done for a 3rd grader!! I can’t believe you don’t like to run in the heat, but you go to hot yoga? I have never been into hot yoga, I am a cold yoga person. Looks like some delicious french toast, but I want to try Jam the next time I am in Chicago!


  8. Kelly @ Inspired Edibles says:

    So much going on in the post that I almost forgot to mention how scrumptious looking your cherry compote French toast are! They look delightful.


  9. Kelly @ Inspired Edibles says:

    Thank goodness for early morning golfers, indeed!! Oh my, I think I might have lost my ‘cool’ if a coyote were tracking my moves….scary stuff but it sounds like you had an exhilarating run (to say the least ;-))

    Mr. N, you are a fabulous writer – honest, informative *and* funny! (I loved your riddle :)) – I bet once you see your friends at school things will get easier… I’m glad you had such a fun summer and congratulations on your acting camp! Great job.


  10. Eva Taylor says:

    I’ve heard that coyotes do that Kristy, very frightening and I’m very glad it went without incident. Congratulations on your first run, it sounds like it was a super success. I’m always perplexed when I see runners in the extreme temperatures; it just can’t be all that good for you.
    The French toast sounds lovely, I like the baked kind but never thought of grilling after, it’s a great idea!


  11. Nami | Just One Cookbook says:

    I love this post, and very impressive writing Mr N!! We have coyote in our backyard (canyon) too, and I’ve seen so many times. Scary! What a delicious french toast that make me want to cook it tomorrow morning! I agree, compote is a strange word! 😀 Good luck with your school. My son is starting his first grade this Wednesday too!


  12. ChgoJohn says:

    Congratulations Mr N for a job well done! You wrote this entry just as good as many of mine are written. And, Kristy, I doubt if that coyote would have bothered you but it was a good idea to keep moving, nonetheless. Why take chances? Still, good to read that you’re running again. Good for you!


  13. Beth (i run like a girl) says:

    First – awesome job on the run. That coyote would have freaked me out a little, too.

    And I loved reading Mr. N’s post (especially his commentary on Miss A’s vote)! It made me giggle. Good luck with the start of the new school year!


  14. Bam's Kitchen says:

    Lovely guest post by Mr. N. I know my kids feel the same way. 6 weeks off was just too short. However parents are hopping and skipping like the Staples commercial as the kids are going back to school. Take Care, BAM


  15. hotlyspiced says:

    Your son sounds just like me when I was younger. I hated going back to school too and I only liked the classes where I didn’t have to sit behind a desk. Your French toast looks so delicious with the cherry topping – great recipe. Good on you for jogging – I used to run when I was younger but now I get lower back pain from it so I’m in the pool doing laps instead xx


  16. Sue says:

    Great post, buddy! Good luck at school this week!

    Glad you had a fabulous run this morning. That’s a really nice picture of Mike.


  17. thescientistandthehealthnut says:

    I know they say coyotes are more afraid of us than we are of them, but I think you had the right idea to run away from it! My mom had trouble a few winters ago, she was able to see the coyotes tracking her back to the house by seeing their footprints in the snow. Scary stuff!


  18. Three Well Beings says:

    Mr. N provided a wonderful guest post! I can really understand reluctance to starting school when he has had such a wonderful summer! Now that is a seriously exciting French toast. I can already tell I’d give it maximum spoons! I will try it very soon and when I do I will give you my review and a thank you! Now Kristy…you be careful out there on those runs! Coyotes come near us now and then, but mostly at night. They scare me! Good luck to all with school starting! oxo Debra


  19. A_Boleyn says:

    Congratulations on another successful recipe post, Mr. N. 🙂

    Get back to us on the ‘hating school’ in another couple of weeks and we’ll see.

    The french toast did look and sound like a winner. Especially for those who are not worried about their waistlines. No whipped cream for me and just one slice. Between the cherry basted duck on another blog and this one, cherries seem to be the theme of the week.


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