We’ll Always Have Budapest

Our house may not be in Budapest, but that’s where you’ll find our hearts. After visiting the wine town of Eger, we spent a beautiful week in this stunning city. While we often described Spain as magical on this adventure, and it most certainly is, Budapest was wrought with a charm all its own. From the moment we set foot on its ecclectic, busy streets we felt as though we had been called home.


Budapest is often described in guide books as difficult to grasp in a day or two. Yet, from the moment we stepped foot out of our apartment near parliament, we felt at ease. It was as though we already knew the streets, the neighborhoods and the culture despite having never been. I was even asked multiple times if I was Hungarian! And it certainly wasn’t because the language, culture and communities are simple. Quite the contrary. The language is beyond challenging and the city and its culture are dynamic, complicated, ecclectic and cosmopolitan.

We never found ourselves lost and the days’ adventures unfolded naturally. We fell into the right place at the right time from zoos and parks, to ruin pubs and cafes. The city moved at a familiar pace. Our rhythm. I knew we were hooked when as we crossed the street Mike and I each went straight toward real estate listings without a word to one another. When we realized what we were doing, we just laughed in that knowing way.

And it wasn’t just Mike and I that felt the call. While Miss A prefers the smaller, village charm of Eger, she danced her way around Budapest’s streets and through its squares, and she will tell you her favorite country so far is Hungary.


And I think if we told Mr. N we were moving to Budapest next week, despite not wanting to leave his friends and home, he’d completely be game. Both kids have repeatedly asked if we can make a return trip to Budapest before we head home, and if not, when we can go back, because they desperately “need” to go back. In fact, when we were in Vienna recently, they begged to take a boat down river to Budapest!

As for the details of our eight days in this unparalleled city…I have no words. Oddly enough, when we’ve been beguiled, smitten, or out right in love with a city or place on this adventure the words came flooding and poured out into our posts. This time, I’ve sat for weeks pondering what to say about Budapest and the words aren’t there. I feel this city in my heart and my soul, someplace deep where words don’t exist. Our days in Budapest are too personal, the words best left unsaid, and the memories left undescribed.

So in brief (and certainly without eloquence), we met friends, students and colleagues from Mike’s home university on their spring break travels, we dined everywhere from tourist “musts” to backstreet local pubs. We pet exotic animals at the zoo, sampled street food with the locals at the spring market, hit numerous local rock concerts, walked the people filled streets at midnight on Easter Sunday, but perhaps most special of all….we spent time with Friend Sue (who long-time readers know as my best friend and regular travel companion along with her husband Richard).


Sue joined us on our hours spent walking the streets of Budapest and photographing everything along the way. We also got lost in best-friend-time at the baths and on Buda hill overlooking the Danube and Pest. Not only were we making up for lost time, but we were holding onto to every last minute we could.

Friend Sue even sent Mike and I out on a date night, tucking the kids into bed for us that night. And let me tell you, that was much needed and SO MUCH appreciated!

But honestly, these are the end of my words for Budapest. It is our “ancient treasure chest.” It was a place unlike any other and it evoked feelings we can’t put into words, or perhaps we just don’t want to…






And to Friend Sue, who will have moved on to her new exciting adventures in Vancouver by the time we return,….home will not be home without you, but “We’ll always have Budapest.” I love you and can’t wait explore new shores with you!

We may have left Budapest weeks ago, but I don’t think Budapest will leave us anytime soon – if ever.


25 thoughts on “We’ll Always Have Budapest

  1. ChgoJohn says:

    How wonderful that in your travels you all found “home.” I’ve heard nothing but praise for Budapest but I think your few words, spoken from the heart, left the best impression. Yes, you’ll always have Budapest, And yes, you’ll be going back. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Raymund says:

    One of my favourite places in Europe, in fact it will be on my top 3, its cheap and its very nice. I describe it as a poormans Paris, I even felt safer here than Paris. The architecture is great, people are great, everything was great.
    I see you had a photo in front of that cathedral, have you tried the flower gelato just infront of where you took that photo.
    I missed this place, certainly I place we will visit again.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Karen says:

    Your time spent in Budapest sounds like a wonderful experience. Your photos show that it is a city that definitely needs to be explored for more than a day or two.


  4. Debra says:

    Fantastic photos! They capture some of the eclecticism of Budapest! It’s just wonderful that you’ve had such a transformative experience in this wondering city! Very special, Kristy!


  5. hotlyspiced says:

    What a lovely promotion for Budapest! I have never been to Hungary. I do love how it is so steeped in history and that the charm of yesteryear still very much exists. What an exciting time for everyone in your family xx


  6. violetsforvivien says:

    This brings back such good memories! I recently went after visiting Prague and absolutely loved it, even though we had to squeeze everything in in one day. Will definitely have to revisit someday!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Eha says:

    Read your words, looked at the photos, cried a little ’cause so feel like you. I have been SO lucky in spending a whole summer living on the Buda hill and am so agreeing with everything you have said. One of ‘the’ moments of my lifetime was leaving a too ‘happy’ party somewhere in Rozenthurm and, shoes in hand, walking on foot some two hours to our apartment watching a 3am night turn into a 5am morning and being more happy than I had ever been! Budapest: methinks one cannot explain, one has to be there – elegance, style, quietly expressed culture combined with indescribable courtesy and friendliness . . . . absolute magic! But be a traveller and not a tourist!


  8. Dawn says:

    I love reading about Budapest, it has long been on my list to visit. Hopefully next summer. I am traveling back from Dublin now, wishing my family was with me, but also wishing I was travelling the opposite direction towards Europe :). When you visit Sue in Vancouver, don’t forget to stop and Seattle and say hello!! Vancouver is an amazing city!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Kristy says:

      How fun that you were in Dublin! That is on my list! 😉 I hope you get out to Budapest. I imagine it’s awesome in the summer too. And I will for sure let you know if we get out your way. Hopefully next summer…


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