Last, But Certainly Not Least

Our international culinary tour wouldn’t be complete without a dessert. And Miss A wouldn’t have eaten that fish without the promise of a sweet treat! So we wrapped up our Libyan meal with a Libyan recipe for Baked Apples and Honey. The recipe is simple and doesn’t need a lot of ingredients or work. We started by dissolving some sugar in water and then dropped in some red food coloring. Mr. N then poured the syrup over a couple of peeled and cored apples in a baking dish.

Next we baked the apples at 350F for 40 minutes. Once they were soft (not squishy), we removed them from the oven and let them cool.

After 10 minutes of cooling, we placed them in the refrigerator until it was time to serve them. When it was time for dessert, we scooped cream cheese into the centers of the apples and topped with pitted cherries.

Finally, we drizzled some honey and the remaining syrup over the apples to serve. The kids happily ate their apples; although Mr. N wasn’t to thrilled about the choice of fruit. He’ll eat an apple, but it’s not his favorite. He did enjoy the flavor though and gave it 2-1/2 spoons. And Miss A said hers was yummy turning up a 3 spoon rating. Dad also enjoyed his dessert and gave it 3 spoons. As for me, I took a little bite that tasted pretty good, but let’s be honest here…I was holding out for my final trip to the freezer to finish up my secret stash of strawberry lemon bars. 🙂

Print this recipe: Baked Apples

30 thoughts on “Last, But Certainly Not Least

  1. Charles says:

    Love the idea of stuffing cream cheese into the apple – I bet that makes for a deliciously cool, creamy core – yummy! I’d probably pack some crushed walnuts in there too – they tend to go really well with baked apples!


    • ChefMom says:

      That’s it! That would make this dish perfect – walnuts! Thank you Charles! Why didn’t I think of that. It totally needed a crunch and what better than walnuts covered in honey and syrup. I may have to make these again soon now. 🙂


  2. Linda says:

    I’ve never had a baked apple with cream cheese… I’m thinking it might almost taste like an apple cheesecake!! Your little helper is adorable!


  3. Mary says:

    Oh I LOVE baked apples – but with a syrup and then stuffed with cream cheese – wow they sound delicious!
    PS thanks for the lovely comments on your award post – you made my day
    Mary oxo


  4. Kitchen Belleicious says:

    okay yum and warm and gooey and delicious and how much fun you got to do that with your son. I cant wait until grant is old enough to cook with me like that! for now he just sits and watches and hangs on my leg! LOL!


    • ChefMom says:

      LOL! They both tend to still hang on my leg too! 🙂 I’m soaking it up though (as much as it can frustrate me at times – like when I’m making a pie crust that requires all of my attention), but they’re only little for so long you know. 🙂


  5. Kay aka Babygirl says:

    The syrup over these apples just looks so decadent and my type of dish lol. I LOVE this. I don’t know when I’m going to get a chance to eat this, but I will be eating this and working out immediately afterwards lol. And did you finish those strawberry lemon bars yet? lol


    • ChefMom says:

      Unfortunately the strawberry lemon bars are all gone. I was at a loss with what to do with myself this evening. LOL! The apples were pretty good. But I like those baked apples that you posted earlier this year better. Those were outstanding little pieces of heaven!


  6. sallybr says:

    Oh, my….. I am so tired, read the beginning of your post too fast, and thought you said “would not be complete without a desert” – I immediately said to myself “wow, that’s going to be a challenging post, she will cook something from the Sahara!” 🙂

    Dessert is much much better!

    they look wonderful! (I have to say I am very jealous of your kitchen helpers… would they come to help me in Oklahoma sometime? 😉


    • ChefMom says:

      Are you in OK again now? Glad you made it safely. Does it feel good to be home? I have no doubt my kitchen helpers would love to help you. They are always so excited to help (aka show off) their cooking skills. And if a blender or food processor or hand mixer is involved, Miss A will be right there! Hey – maybe you can teach them to bake bread. Then I won’t have to learn. LOL!


      • sallybr says:

        I wish… 😦

        Right now we are about finished loading the pickup truck – tomorrow very early we start driving to Sedona, rest for one day, and follow the trip (13 more hours) to Oklahoma. We won’t be home until very late Friday night

        cross your fingers for us, ok? Oscar, our new puppy, has a horrible motion sickness problem, not sure how he will be able to face this ordeal, poor thing


        • ChefMom says:

          Oh my fingers are crossed and thoughts are with you! I remember when we moved from Phoenix back to home. It was bittersweet – but what a beautiful drive it will be (as long as the puppy does ok – thoughts are with him too!). Enjoy Sedona – even if just for a night. I love it there. It’s so peaceful and relaxing. Best of luck and enjoy the ride. 🙂


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