Seventh Heaven

Well, for those of you that tuned in Saturday only to be taken to a dead link, my apologies. Hopefully this will be worth your wait! Last month, as you may recall, Mr. N enjoyed a “pie” for his birthday meal of choice. It was an easy decision for him. Miss A, however, took her time deliberating. a-theater

Perhaps she was too busy preparing for her big show weekend as Bert Healy in a musical production of “Annie.” Miss A has watched Mr. N perform for years and last year decided to take it up herself through summer camp. She had so much fun singing and dancing, she insisted on going back again this summer. Needless to say, if you want to know any words from the soundtrack, just let me know. After four weeks of Miss A’s nightly rehearsals in our living room, we’ve got you covered! a - theatre

With her love of all things song and dance, would you be surprised that she picked a Rock Diva theme for her 7th birthday party this year? (Ironically, and I just realized this right now, my 7th birthday was Madonna themed!) rock diva

The party was perfectly suited to Miss A. We walked into the venue promptly at 10:30 a.m. on a Sunday morning and were greeted by very enthusiastic high school girls (our party hosts) squealing in delight over the birthday girl, and Taylor Swift blasting through the speakers. After a moment of stunned sensory overload, Mike and I noticed Miss A had already been whisked away for her costume change. She and her friends picked costumes and then had their hair, nails and make-up done. Once they were proper divas, they bounded up on a stage and performed karaoke all morning long. (Need to know the words to any Taylor Swift songs? I know all those now too!) one direction

The girls all seemed to enjoy the festivities, especially Miss A who had a smile on her face the entire morning. So did I as I didn’t even have to make the cake! diva cake

Or worry about any of the clean-up! Great idea for a party Miss A. birthday girl

After Miss A was all rock diva’d out, we then prepared for her special birthday meal. In past years she has chosen some rather interesting and sometimes sophisticated options for her birthdays. One year I was tasked with making a sourdough bread and chocolate balsamic cookies (which I didn’t even know existed). Another year it was BBQ ribs and cherry crisp. This year, she again demonstrated her love for gourmet food and chose a Truffled Lobster Mac & Cheese. lobster mac & cheese

I think it’s fair to say, we were all excited for her birthday dinner this year! We boiled four lobster tails and shredded the meat, which was plenty for our family. We also chose to use Dubliner Cheese and Gruyere as well as shallots and garlic. Truffled Lobster Mac & Cheese

We livened the dish up a little with a bit of Dijon mustard, nutmeg and chives. We also topped the lobster mac with breadcrumbs and of course, the truffle salt, before baking. IMG_5403

The mac and cheese only took about an hour to bake, but goodness did I have a lot of dishes! A pot for boiling noodles, a skillet for the garlic and shallots, a pot to boil the lobster, etc. It was definitely not a one-pot meal or an easy clean-up. That said, it was out of this world delicious! It was creamy, cheesy and delightful with the sweetness of the lobster. It easily earned 4 spoons from every one of us! (As do most of our lobster dishes – I’m noticing a pattern there.) cheesy lobster pasta

The only thing I might do differently (if it wasn’t for Miss A’s consumption that is) was to add a little cayenne pepper. I think a bit of heat would have been the perfect complement to round out the dish; however, Miss A likely has a few more years before she develops a palate for spicy foods. Then again, you never know with this little firecracker!

Print this recipe: Truffled Lobster Mac & Cheese

cheesy pasta

It’s amazing to think that Miss A was only two and Mr. N only six when we started this blog. Their tastes have certainly come a long way; and I have a feeling they’ll come along even more over the course of the next year. But more on that soon… siblings

33 thoughts on “Seventh Heaven

  1. Kelly @ Inspired Edibles says:

    Truffled Lobster yet, nothing too good! 😀 love the addition of Dijon and nutmeg too – my toes are curling… what a great choice! Happy Birthday Miss A ~ I have no doubt you rocked the introduction to your 7th year, diva and all. So much color, spirit and happiness in these photos (that orange cake!). I can feel the celebration; what fun! Hugs to all of you. Keep singing XOX

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kristy says:

      It was definitely a toe curling dish Kelly. (although I would add the heat for myself!) I too hope Annie keeps on singing too. 🙂 Color, spirit and happiness is a good way to describe her. xo


  2. Karen says:

    A very happy birthday to Miss A…it sounds like she and her friends had a great time celebrating the occasion. She definitely had good taste when it came to what she wanted for her birthday dinner.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Debra says:

    Oh my goodness but she’s adorable! What a fun party and I’m agog at the energy you all expend. Now another performer in the family? That’s the price you pay for having talented children, Kristy. 🙂 I am so glad that a very special little girl had a very special 7-year birthday party. And lobster mac and cheese? My grandchildren aren’t at all adventurous with food and probably wouldn’t give it a try, but Papa and Nan would gobble it right up, guaranteed! Great photos, Kristy!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kristy says:

      Thank you Debra. As for the energy, it’s definitely running low. This summer has been exhausting. We were trying to figure out why as the kids aren’t more involved than usual. We decided it’s just been a strange summer. Lots of interesting things at play. Definitely looking forward to a little R&R soon. Fortunately the kids are having the time of their life. Makes every second worth it. 🙂


  4. hotlyspiced says:

    Happy birthday to Miss A. She is so gorgeous and clearly talented and how lovely she and her brother share the joy of being on stage. I love Miss A’s party outfit and it sure does look like the party was an absolute blast xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kristy says:

      Thank you Charlie! Miss A had an amazing day. Thank goodness because the night before she was crying that she did not want to turn 7. Six had been the best year of her life! 😉


    • Kristy says:

      Very decadent Eva. I had to keep myself in check and not over eat this one…even though I really wanted to! And yes, you would have loved the costume changes! They had two racks full of dresses for the girls!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. sallybr says:


    so glad that you had a fantastic celebration! Loved the hair, by the way –

    We are already getting a bunch of Taylor Swift songs in our Spotify database…. gotta be ready! 😉 😉 😉 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kristy says:

      Her hair was fantastic! She asked if I could do that for school one day. Lol! As for spotify, just know the songs are very catchy (stuck in your head all day catchy). 😉


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