It’s Time to Vote….Chopped Challenge 2015

Sure we hardly have time to blog let alone cook these days, but we’re not about to miss our annual Chopped Challenge live blogging event! It seems it has become a sacred family tradition. As Mike and I were trying to figure out how to logistically pull it off this year, the kids became quite adamant that it still happen on Super Bowl Sunday (Sunday, February 1st). It appears the kids take this just as seriously as we do, and why not, it’s always a ton of fun.

Remember this mess from 2012:dirty dishes

Or this delicious winner from 2012 (Chiptole Grilled Lobster over Stir Fried Buckwheat Noodles):chopped main course

We kicked things up a notch in 2013 with homemade pasta versus lentil burgers. The homemade pasta won the prize, but the lentil burgers have been made many times since. Black Beluga Lentil Burgers with Muffaletta Olive Salad

beluga lentil and artichoke pasta

And last year, well the competition got stiff. Chopped Challenge Teams 2014Arghboozing

The kids favorite dish from last year – Toasted Apple and Bacon Tortellini. fried tortellini

So are you ready for this year’s cooking challenge? Below we’ll have three polls – one for appetizers, one for the main course, and one for dessert. For those of you that aren’t familiar with the format, we base this off of the Food Network’s “Chopped” series. The premise is simple, contestants must use the ingredients in the basket (no matter how crazy they seem) to create a dish. There are three rounds (appetizer, main course, and dessert). The winning dish of each round is selected based on taste, presentation and creativity.

Well, below you’ll find three basket options for each round. This year we’re pulling from the baskets that didn’t make the cut in the past three years. Some of the baskets are clearly more kind than others; though we won’t name names. We’re excited about them all and look forward to the challenge. So, please select one basket (hitting “vote” on each poll – total of three) for each of the three rounds. The winners will then be announced in our live cook-off event on Sunday, February 1st, as Mike and I will go head-to-head to see what we can cook-up (will Mike be able to knock me off the winner’s circle this year?). Mr. N and Miss A will again serve as sous chefs, though teams have yet to be picked.

So without further ado…vote early and often! Voting remains open until Friday, January 30th. And make sure to stay tuned for the live blogging event and subsequent recipes. We can’t wait to see what you drop in our baskets this year!

For the Appetizer Basket we selected the non-winning baskets from 2013.

The Main Course options were taken from the non-winning baskets from 2014.

And the Dessert Basket comes to us from our very first year’s non-winning baskets in 2012.

Thanks for voting and we’ll be back, live (all day) on Sunday, February 1st for Chopped Challenge 2015!!!!

20 thoughts on “It’s Time to Vote….Chopped Challenge 2015

  1. WENDY EROS says:

    I just have to say that I throughly enjoyed reading your challenge! What a great way to introduce your children to cooking and a yearly event that they will remember for years to come. Awesome family bonding!!


  2. Bam's Kitchen says:

    I love your family event for your version of “Chopped” It is always so much fun. I can’t believe how much the kids have grown so much older in the last several years. I put my vote in. Let the game begin!!!


  3. Three Well Beings says:

    This is great fun! I think regardless of how the poll stacks up you are going to have a BIG challenge with those ingredients. You’ve proven yourselves in the past, however, so let the games begin! We will be on a flight returning home from travel on Super Bowl Sunday…but I will definitely check in at some point. I love to see your family’s enthusiasm and in particular the children and their competitive spirit. Good luck to all the chefs!


  4. Kelly @ Inspired Edibles says:

    How great that you are finding time for the Challenge again this year! Love that the whole family is involved in the excitement :D. Although none of us know very much about ‘hand football’, we still watch the game for the food and the enticing advertisement (plus it makes us feel like we’re sharing some sacred ritual with our American friends 😉 ). I am still mulling over the choices and will be back to vote shortly. I’m loving the variety and eclectic options this year – great idea to recycle.


  5. Eva Taylor says:

    Woohoo! I’m so excited! Can’t wait to see what delicacies you both come up with! Will you be tweeting? Although the game will be on, I don’t watch it much so I’m super excited you’re doing this again. Good luck to you both and good luck to the little chefs, hope the parents don’t make too much of a mess.
    PS. Love the wine pic Kristy❤️❤️❤️


  6. Choc Chip Uru says:

    I am excited for this blogging event it is ALWAYS so much fun! 😀 I have voted for a very Asian inspired basket for appetisers and I can’t wait to see which dessert basket gets picked!

    Choc Chip Uru


  7. sallybr says:

    WOW! You guys are up for some challenge, some of the baskets had me in hyperventilation and I am not even going to be involved in the fun….

    Awesome event, I will be looking forward to the write-up and of course the amazing photos, pure emotion in gastronomical form!



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