The Proof is in the Pudding

Hi all! It’s been a while, I know. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve sat down to put this post up, but something else comes up. And I do apologize for not visiting as many blogs as usual these past few weeks as well. I will pop in as I can, I promise. We are just down right consumed by life (in good ways) right now, and the few moments that we’re not, I’m relishing in the kids.

We’re still doing most of our planning and cooking on the weekends, and we have some plans to get back to more regular posting soon. In fact tomorrow, I’m going to be learning how to cook authentic Indian food. You can bet we’ll be bringing some of that goodness to the blog!

So before we return to our international cooking adventures, we wanted to share a treat we made while in Michigan this past summer. I realize that peaches are well past their prime in the Northern hemisphere, but it’s one worth saving until next summer (or whipping up if you have any peaches stocked in the freezer). It’s also a great use for the kefir bread we shared in our last post. Really though it’s just further proof that we’ve been darn busy and I haven’t photographed any new meals lately!

Miss A and I made this recipe one morning at the farmhouse. It was a delightful morning – just the two of us chatting and cooking away. We started with our fresh peaches (as we had an entire basket of them). basket of peaches

Miss A then cracked some eggs for me. cracking eggs

Then we whisked them with butter, vanilla, cinnamon, almond milk and sugar. egg batter

Next we sliced and cut a loaf of our kefir bread into cubes, kefir bread cubes

and Miss A added our fresh peaches. peaches and bread

Finally, we poured the egg batter over the bread and peaches. We refrigerated the mixture for 30 minutes before pouring it into the baking dish. bread pudding

The pudding baked for an hour at 325F. We then let it cool slightly while we prepared a basic vanilla pudding sauce. bread pudding

We served the peach bread pudding warm with a drizzle of the sauce. As this was our last hoorah for the summer, we ate this for breakfast. While not exactly a breakfast of champions, it was vacation and well, we were living it up a bit. peach bread pudding

Needless to say, this dessert was a big hit. Even Miss A who wasn’t so crazy about the kefir bread loved it. It was a 4 spoon dish for her – me too. peach pudding

Mike and Mr. N ranked it a smidge lower at 3 spoons, still there wasn’t a bit left in anyone’s bowl. michigan peaches

It was sweet, it was comforting and oh yes, it was filling (to say the least!). peaches in bread pudding

Print this recipe: Peach Bread Pudding

Fortunately, this is just a sometimes food for us though. I don’t think our health would hold up too well if we ate like this regularly, but it was a delicious way to end the summer. breakfast or dessert

Now, I’m off to tuck the kiddos into bed. I hear them belly laughing upstairs as Mike is telling them one of his bedtime stories. (He is incredible at making up stories that get the kids rolling on the floor! I love that about him. And if I haven’t said this before, Mr. N’s laugh – his authentic laugh – is my favorite sound in the world. Hands down.) Then I’m popping a few loaves of kefir bread into the oven before joining Mike for a late dinner. It’s one of our rare quiet nights and I’m going to soak up every minute of it.

We’ll be back next time with some new Indian recipes…perhaps in a week – or maybe two. 😉

31 thoughts on “The Proof is in the Pudding

  1. cecilia says:

    I LOVE made up stories, it is a gift! And being a bread and butter pudding fan from WAY BACK I cannot believe that i did not think of adding fresh fruit.. how divine! I am going to think on it, this is a revelation! c


  2. Charles says:

    Hi Kristy, glad to see you’re all safe and well – you disappeared for a while, but goodness knows I can relate right now to that “swamped” feeling.

    This looks like a gorgeous dessert (or dare I say “breakfast”!). Something to remember for next year’s peach season, although I’m not sure what that’s going to be like. Soft fruits in northern Sweden… let’s hope for the best, eh? My experience with mangos from there has not been good!

    Love that first photo… so light, makes me feel like I can almost smell those gorgeous fruits! Take it easy – see you about soon!


  3. Caroline says:

    Ooooo this sounds delicious, Kristy!! Glad to hear you were able to take a little break, that’s definitely necessary sometimes. Look forward to seeing the Indian recipes!


  4. Barbara Bamber | justasmidgen says:

    I’m always amazed how mothers with young children are able to blog at all, it’s such a busy time of life! I love your peach recipe, we have had to cut way back on sweet desserts too of late. They seem to appear only when we have company or a special occasion. I’m glad you’re finding some quiet time with your hubs! Can’t wait for the Indian food!!xx


  5. Nami | Just One Cookbook says:

    I always love your story (especially when you talk about your family) and the way you write – make me feel warm. 🙂 Next time when Mr. N is laughing, please record and share it with us! 😉 Delicious pudding and I’m also looking forward to your indian dishes! xo


  6. Jessica Maher (@kbelleicious) says:

    so funny because I just made peach bread pudding this past weekend for my parents when they came in. I love how you did yours though. The smaller bread cubes make for more of moist bread pudding. I feel like mine although i used cinnamon swirl bread halves wasn’t moist enough.


  7. Bam's Kitchen says:

    Kristy, I am delighted to hear the good things in your life and your kids are growing up so fast, so enjoy them. I love to hear my family and especially my kids giggle and our hubbys, it is the best sound in the whole world. Now on to that peach pudding. I think something this good needs to be tried more than once. Michigan is my old stomping ground. Miss A. is so adorable an love seeing her lending you a hand in the kitchen. Take Care, BAM


  8. Kelly @ Inspired Edibles says:

    Kristy! Wonderful to hear that life is full of good things — I think you have the right idea about enjoying it. We made your lovely peach bread pudding for Thanksgiving dessert last night – it was a hit! – fortunately there are still plenty of beautiful peaches in this part of the world 😉 so your timing is actually spot on. I completely missed the part about the sauce though… to be frank, I have no idea what a pudding sauce is. What did you use to make your vanilla sauce? I served the peach bread pudding out of the oven with some vanilla ice cream – it was delightful (reduced the sugar to 1/3 cup overall, added a few more spices: nutmeg, clove, allspice, nobody seemed to be suffering 🙂 – course the ice cream helps sweeten things too!). Thanks for the great recipe, it was fun to make. Enjoy the moments and sweet laughter of your babes — xo.


    • Kristy says:

      Happy Thanksgiving to you Kelly! I’m so humbled that you guys made this for your holiday dessert. Your additions sound absolutely perfect too – no doubt had I had my own kitchen a few of those would have gone in this one too. 😉 The pudding sauce was a basic vanilla sauce. Here’s a good example: I was going to add that to my recipe, but I couldn’t remember the measurements or the exact ingredients. Too much time had passed from when I made it to when I posted it. Oops! 😉 I also think a rum or bourbon version would go nicely with this too. But really, ice cream just sounds perfect!!!


      • Kelly @ Inspired Edibles says:

        Thank you for the link Kristy! I had never heard of bread pudding sauce before… yup, the ice cream seemed to do the trick although… rum sauce does sound rather lovely 😉


  9. Elaine says:

    “I’m relishing in the kids” –my favourite line in your post. And that is just what you should be doing when your children are small 🙂 Blog posts can wait. Children grow so quickly. Enjoy!


  10. Three Well Beings says:

    I am so glad to read that you are enjoying life and your family is doing well, Kristy. You’re always really a welcome sight in my inbox. I will definitely look forward to your Indian food adventure, and in the meantime, you’ve give me a wonderful treat I will be eager to create in my own kitchen. I love bread pudding! It’s one of my favorites even when it’s quite an average recipe, frankly. But this is fantastic. With peaches! Stop by when you can…I just enjoy knowing all is well. 🙂 Debra


  11. ChgoJohn says:

    Apologize? C’mon, Kristy. You’ve a family. That says it all. Your peach bread pudding sounds wonderful and I’m impressed that you and Miss A created the recipe. I’d be very happy to have some in the morning, whether or not I’m on vacation. I’m also impressed you’ve been taking Indian cooking lessons and can’t wait to see what you’ve learned. Now we really do have to hit Little India one day so that you can stock up on supplies.


  12. Dawn says:

    This looks delicious!! Oh, and I can’t wait to see the recipes for Indian food. I am hoping to have some good food when I am in India…I can’t believe I am going so soon!


  13. Linda says:

    Hi Kristy – I’m just glad I’m not the only one whose life gets wild and busy!! Splurging at breakfast while vacationing is what makes it so special! I remember treating my kids to more out of the ordinary meals when vacationing! And they remember those times and look forward to the treats of being away from “normal” routines. This recipe could also be used for apples/cranberries so I think your recipe is timely as most classic recipes are. I’m impressed you are still making bread from scratch in your busy life!!


  14. Eva Taylor says:

    Hi Kristy no need to apologize, we get it. It sounds like you’re having a blast. Congrats on your new hire, your business must be doing really well, I’m so pleased for you. I love this type if breakfast and it’s so nice you had such a tender morning with your daughter, I’m sure she will cherish these memories. The peach bread pudding looks like a winner. I’ve made this type of breakfast before (both sweet and savoury) but I generally do it the night before and then I just pop it into the oven to bake! It’s a lovely way to wake up our guests with the gorgeous aromas wafting through the house as it bakes.
    Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to you, Mike and the kiddies. XOXO


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