The Proof is in the Pudding

Hi all! It’s been a while, I know. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve sat down to put this post up, but something else comes up. And I do apologize for not visiting as many blogs as usual these past few weeks as well. I will pop in as I can, I promise. We are just down right consumed by life (in good ways) right now, and the few moments that we’re not, I’m relishing in the kids.

We’re still doing most of our planning and cooking on the weekends, and we have some plans to get back to more regular posting soon. In fact tomorrow, I’m going to be learning how to cook authentic Indian food. You can bet we’ll be bringing some of that goodness to the blog!

So before we return to our international cooking adventures, we wanted to share a treat we made while in Michigan this past summer. I realize that peaches are well past their prime in the Northern hemisphere, but it’s one worth saving until next summer (or whipping up if you have any peaches stocked in the freezer). It’s also a great use for the kefir bread we shared in our last post. Really though it’s just further proof that we’ve been darn busy and I haven’t photographed any new meals lately!

Miss A and I made this recipe one morning at the farmhouse. It was a delightful morning – just the two of us chatting and cooking away. We started with our fresh peaches (as we had an entire basket of them). basket of peaches

Miss A then cracked some eggs for me. cracking eggs

Then we whisked them with butter, vanilla, cinnamon, almond milk and sugar. egg batter

Next we sliced and cut a loaf of our kefir bread into cubes, kefir bread cubes

and Miss A added our fresh peaches. peaches and bread

Finally, we poured the egg batter over the bread and peaches. We refrigerated the mixture for 30 minutes before pouring it into the baking dish. bread pudding

The pudding baked for an hour at 325F. We then let it cool slightly while we prepared a basic vanilla pudding sauce. bread pudding

We served the peach bread pudding warm with a drizzle of the sauce. As this was our last hoorah for the summer, we ate this for breakfast. While not exactly a breakfast of champions, it was vacation and well, we were living it up a bit. peach bread pudding

Needless to say, this dessert was a big hit. Even Miss A who wasn’t so crazy about the kefir bread loved it. It was a 4 spoon dish for her – me too. peach pudding

Mike and Mr. N ranked it a smidge lower at 3 spoons, still there wasn’t a bit left in anyone’s bowl. michigan peaches

It was sweet, it was comforting and oh yes, it was filling (to say the least!). peaches in bread pudding

Print this recipe: Peach Bread Pudding

Fortunately, this is just a sometimes food for us though. I don’t think our health would hold up too well if we ate like this regularly, but it was a delicious way to end the summer. breakfast or dessert

Now, I’m off to tuck the kiddos into bed. I hear them belly laughing upstairs as Mike is telling them one of his bedtime stories. (He is incredible at making up stories that get the kids rolling on the floor! I love that about him. And if I haven’t said this before, Mr. N’s laugh – his authentic laugh – is my favorite sound in the world. Hands down.) Then I’m popping a few loaves of kefir bread into the oven before joining Mike for a late dinner. It’s one of our rare quiet nights and I’m going to soak up every minute of it.

We’ll be back next time with some new Indian recipes…perhaps in a week – or maybe two. 😉

Cherry-Oh So Good

If you’re a regular reader, you knew this was coming. We can’t wrap-up Michigan cuisine without a dessert, and this one again puts cherries center stage.

The recipe is a simple fruit crisp that my friend Beth sent me years ago. It is easily adapted for a variety of fruits. In fact, until today we had only ever made it with raspberries, blackberries and strawberries. So if it sounds like something you’ll enjoy – feel free to be inventive. As for us, we’re still sampling the tastes of Michigan, so we chose cherries, obviously, and apricots because we had some needing a home.

Quick side note here: We used up our cherries the other day, so I need to run out for a fresh batch. And I swear this has happened nearly every time I need a specific ingredient for a recipe we’re working on, the first store I went to (the one I can usually count on for everything) didn’t have any in stock. They did, however, have the two items that I couldn’t find the last time. Ugh. So it was a multiple store run again. At least this time it was only 2 stores…a few other times this same scenario has resulted in 3 or 4 stores. Am I the only one this happens to – or is this a common phenomenon? Continue reading

Pure Michigan. Pure Yummy.

Ah Michigan. I love everything about it – the quaint lake towns, Traverse City, Trattoria Stella, amazing wineries, B&B’s, even its ad campaign. There are exactly two ad campaigns that can capture my attention and transport my mind and Michigan is at the top of that list. Any season, any medium – radio, billboard, television – and I’m mentally planning my next trip. (The other is Corona. I relax just seeing those commercials!) But back to Michigan. It’s been one of our favorite weekend getaway destinations whether for a romantic getaway or a family trip to a beach house; and then there’s the winery hopping, apple picking, fall drives and pumpkin farms.

I could really go on and on, but let’s get to the food. This week we obviously picked Michigan for our state night dinner which meant that cherries had to be the star of the meal. Afterall, Michigan is home to the National Cherry Festival. We also wanted to make something healthy since we’re still recovering from our soul food dinner, and we wanted to use ingredients we had on hand. The result – a Salmon Spinach Salad with Cherry Sauce.  Continue reading