
It’s time for our next international cooking adventure with Mr. N as our guide. He is again taking us to his favorite part of the world, or so it would seem based on most of his picks, Asia. Not so long ago we received a postcard from a long-time friend of mine who was visiting Hong Kong. Incidentally this same friend spent several years of his teenage life living in Hong Kong, a fact which fascinates Mr. N. So naturally, as soon as the card arrived in the mail, Mr. N said, “This is my next pick!”

Miss A is also quite excited about our culinary visit to Hong Kong. She too remembers the postcard (I don’t care what they say about snail mail, kids still LOVE to get things in the mailbox!) and excitedly exclaimed, “I love that girl. She plays with me.” She’s referring to my friend’s daughter whom she got to meet and play with this summer. So already both of the kids are ready to begin this adventure which we are kicking off with the Hong Kong Egg Tart. 

This recipe really couldn’t be any easier. In fact, aside from the boiling of the sugar-water, Miss A pulled this recipe off all on her very own. Before we get to that…the ingredients. There are only five: water, sugar, milk, eggs and vanilla. 

First I took care of boiling the water and sugar until the sugar dissolved. Then we set it aside to cool.

Next we rolled out some pastry dough we had in the freezer and lined our mini-tart pans.

And then Miss A took over. “I can do this mom. All by myself. I can do everything.” And so she did. First she beat our eggs.

Next she whisked in the evaporated milk and then poured in the sugar-water. She did this with great care, pouring a bit of the sugar-water and then whisking, a bit more sugar-water and whisking again.

Then finally she dropped in the vanilla and whisked everything together.

Next Miss A had me hold the sieve and she poured the egg custard into the tart shells.

And she wasn’t kidding, she could do everything – and neatly I might add!

The tarts baked for 25 minutes at 425F at which point they came out nice and puffy.

Miss A requested her egg tart with powdered sugar and a few blueberries which sounded pretty good to me too.

Miss A and I both finished our tarts and enjoyed them. They definitely had an egg flavor, but also a touch of sweet vanilla flavor. She and I both thought they were good initially, but we never went back for another. So we ultimately rang in with 2 spoons.

Mr. N also tried his with powdered sugar, but he wasn’t a fan at all. The egg flavor was too predominant for him making them a 1 spoon recipe. Mike, on the other hand, was a fan. He ate one egg tart with whipped cream and one without. He thought it tasted almost like a pudding and preferred the whipped cream version.

I will say this though, they reminded me an awful lot, in appearance anyway, of our wonderful lemon tarts from this summer. Now those I will be making again! As for our first dish from Hong Kong, it wasn’t a total miss. Miss A had a great time making them, and she and I both did enjoy eating them, even if one was enough. Mr. N was really the only true dissenter this go-round. I think that might change with our next recipe though…stay tuned.

Print this recipe: Hong Kong Egg Tarts

42 thoughts on “Eggstatic

  1. wenders says:

    Have you ever had an egg tart [don tat] at a Chinese Restaurant or Dim Sum bakery? The true/original egg tarts have a flaky crust, like puff pastry. And the texture is like a custard, such as in a custard pie. No addition of any spices, whip cream, berries, or additional sugar. If it is rubbery, it was over baked or you need to lower your temperature settings. But, it is an acquired taste. Chinese people like it, but they are also used to it. It is similar to the Portugese egg tart.


  2. smartfoodandfit says:

    They look so delicious, hmm thanks for the heads up on the strong egg flavor. They look like lemon custard pies. Maybe I’ll make this but a savory tart, with veggies and spices. Can Ms. A look anymore adorable! 🙂


  3. Deborah says:

    I have to admit – if I had to choose between the lemon tart and one of these, I’d choose the lemon tart. 🙂 But I do think that I’d like these. And I love that they are so easy!


  4. Charles says:

    Hehe, seems everyone is thinking the same as me – they look so much like the little lemon tarts they sell in bakeries here. Top marks on appearance alone already in that case. I’d probably be a bit confused if I just tried this right off the bat without knowing what it was because I see this and I immediately think “lemon”, but that’s certainly testament to its, presumably, awesome flavour. Little eggy, pastry tarts, dusted with sugar and some fresh berries – awesome. I bet this would make a fabulous breakfast!

    I wonder what it would be like with a bit of nutmeg grated on top… mmmm. I learned a new thing today… had no idea these little beauties were “Hong Kong-ese”. Hm, actually, I might have seen these before… somewhere, but they completely failed at making them look appetizing… then ended up looking pale and anaemic, so good job Kristy and Miss. A 🙂


  5. Caroline says:

    These do look a lot like lemon tarts–that’s what I thought they were at first. They look pretty darn gorgeous though, especially with the powdered sugar and blueberries on top–great suggestion Miss A. 😉 I’m so impressed that she pretty much made these by herself. Following in her mother’s footsteps clearly!


  6. Kay aka Babygirl says:

    Miss A definitely can cook just like her mom :). And boy did she do an amazing job. I am wondering, if you you cut back on 2 eggs, would it eliminate the eggy taste to them? I am already thinking of a redo for these LOL. Love the presentation.. based on that alone I would tear these up lol


  7. ChgoJohn says:

    Well, Miss A goes to the head of her class! Such a young chef! I agree that these do look like lemon tarts. Too bad that you couldn’t give them another spoon but Miss A runs a tuff kitchen. It’s either measure up or get out!


  8. profiterolesandponytails says:

    Looks like it was a great opportunity for some mother daughter bonding. I can’t wait to see what other recipes you have up your sleeve from this region. The presentation of these tarts is fantastic! However, after your description of your lemon tarts, I’d like to try them. I’m such a fan of lemon tarts!


    • Kristy says:

      I need to make the lemon tarts again. I LOVE them too! 🙂 And we’re looking forward to our other recipes from Hong Kong too. We have one on the table tonight. It smells fantastic so far!


  9. Just A Smidgen says:

    What a sweet little chef in your kitchen, I just bet she did it all by herself, she looks like a natural whisking away there! I think I would have thought it would taste a little eggy, for some reason a lot of their desserts have a different, more muted flavor in my mind. I’m so used to the overpowering sweetness of my recipes.. I love that this one is subtler:) Hahaha, oh, my, it almost sounds like I’ve tasted one.. I wish…


    • Kristy says:

      LOL! It was definitely an interesting flavor for me. Not what I’m used to in a dessert. It was good and I wouldn’t turn one down if offered, but I doubt I’d make them again. (Unless Mike requests them again. 🙂 )


    • Kristy says:

      Teaching the kids about the world and being open to new experiences and cultures is definitely our primary goal through this adventure – the cooking and food is certainly an added bonus. 🙂


  10. spicegirlfla says:

    I really do see Miss A had fun with this one!! She’s a tiny little thing! And her hair is just everywhere cute!! Ooh, and back to the recipe as I always get so distracted with your kids…. 🙂 I love little lemon tarts, both for presentation and taste. I like Mr. N’s suggestion of blueberries and powdered sugar!


  11. sallybr says:

    Eggceptional indeed! (could not resist tagging along…. 😉

    I know I would love this and give it all the spoons available in your kitchen… it reminds me of Portuguese desserts, that rely heavily on eggs. For some people, it can be an acquired taste, but my grandparents being from Portugal probably made it easier for me to enjoy this kind of sweets.

    (the photos of the Little Beauty Queen are eggceptionally gorgeous)


    • Kristy says:

      Cooking with eggs as a predominant flavor is something new for me. Although, I know I used to love my mom’s scrambled eggs – especially when we got to eat breakfast for dinner! Mike has always enjoyed eggs, but the kids aren’t such big fans.


  12. Kelly @ Inspired Edibles says:

    OMG. These look Eggceptional! :). I wish I had come across something nearly as delectable as these egg tarts when I was in Hong Kong! The picture of the egg custard baked in the shell is gorgeous. I understand the request for powdered sugar and berries… they do look remarkably like lemon tarts, which may explain Mr. N’s taste confusion. Your daughter kills me… has my application to adopt your kids come through yet? ;).


    • Kristy says:

      I’m sure that had something to do with his taste confusion. I think he was expecting something a bit more sweet. Miss A was funny too. When Mr. N came home to try his, she said, “You get to eat rubber!” So I think he went in for the first bite with some confusion. LOL – and yep, she kills me too. 😉


      • A_Boleyn says:

        “You get to eat rubber!”

        There’s a Hungarian egg tart made without a pastry shell (it makes its own base during the baking) that I once made for my SIL that she liked but I thought was rubber-like as well. It TASTED ok but did NOT impress me enough to EVER make it again. 🙂


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