Reconciling with Post Sabbatical Life

Where to start? Clearly I have no idea as it has been nearly four months since we set foot back stateside. I’ve started this post numerous times and each time, it’s proved challenging. As we anticipated the first few weeks were emotionally exhausting with balancing the excitement of seeing friends and family with the realization that our sabbatical adventure had come to an end.

The thought of sitting down to blog again, well, it’s hard. It’s not lost on us that when we set out cooking around the world our goal was to introduce Mr. N and Miss A to cultures and histories around the world. We did that – and then some. The lessons, experiences, friendships and memories that have resulted from our little space on the internet are immeasurable. But the trip is past, our lives are busy, the kids are growing…So now what? Where do we go from here?

Well, I suppose we should first start with where we’ve been….img_4935

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Daily Sabbatical Life

We arrived in Czestochowa, Poland mid-February and have lived in our Polish home for almost 11 weeks. While we use this as a base from which to further explore Poland and Eastern Europe, we have also done our best to really “live” here – develop routines, make friends, and create a home. What follows is a glimpse into our daily home life as well as a few snippets from each of us.

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