
Today is my birthday and tonight I’ll be spending it with Mr. N and Miss A (Mike will be at work) at my mom and dad’s house. I believe Grandpa will even be joining us.

Grandpa making a surprise visit one summer.

I’m going to enjoy a home cooked meal and a birthday cake made especially for me by my dad. I’ll share pics and the recipe with you all soon.

A home cooked meal at mom and dad’s. And yes, there is usually still a giant bottle of ketchup on the table.

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Passin’ on the Love and Libyan Side Dishes

Last night, after the kids were washed and bathed from creating a water slide on their new swing set that ultimately shot them out into a puddle of mud, we completed our cooking adventure in Libya. We made a fish dinner with a few Libyan side dishes. Tonight we want to share our sides as well as pass on the love for some awards we have received in recent weeks.

We are always humbled by and grateful for awards we receive from fellow bloggers, and Mr. N is always quite excited. We were recently honored with The Versatile Blogger Award from both Mandy at The Complete Cook Book and Mary at Inside a British Mum’s Kitchen. Both are wonderful food blogs with amazing recipes. Mandy is currently on a bread baking mission, which as a non-bread baker myself, I’m absolutely enjoying. One of these days I’ll make that my mission as well. I mean who doesn’t love a fresh loaf of bread?! (Well, except for Kay over at Pure Complex, but we’ll forgive her that since she was the first to pass along this award to us a while back. LOL! Love ya Kay!)

And Mary cooks for a busy family with teenage girls. She gives me hope that our kids will still want to hang around in the kitchen with us when they’re teenagers. She’s also the creator of our Libyan couscous dish from last night. It’s a wonderful couscous salad that’s full of fresh flavor and veggies. (Incidentally it got 4 spoons from me, 3 spoons from dad, and while Mr. N and Miss A weren’t fans of the couscous they did eat all the chickpeas they could find!) Continue reading

So much deliciousness, so little time!

We have been blogging our food adventures for nearly four months now. It’s been an exciting experience and we have learned more than I ever expected. For instance, we know that a kumara is a sweet potato, that Russian pancakes are called blini and that pao de queijo is amazingly delicious! We have also learned that Mr. N likes to crack eggs, Miss A is an excellent whisker, that dad can stomach a sweet potato and that I like curry. However the thing that amazes us most of all about this adventure is the number of amazing bloggers with such creative content and wonderfully delicious recipes. Life is far too short for the amount of absolute goodness in this world.

In the past few weeks we have been humbled by and grateful to a few fellow bloggers that have highlighted and honored our site. Kay the creator of Pure Complex, a wonderfully creative, diverse and insightful blog passed along the Versatility Award. This honor means a lot considering that Kay keeps one of the most versatile blogs I read. She has the uncanny ability to find some of the most beautiful and thought-provoking concepts and images that I otherwise would never see; and she writes with both grace and honesty. Continue reading