Musgo, Musgo, M-U-S-G-O

Sorry flashing back to high school cheerleading there (Let’s Go, Let’s Go, L-E-T-S-G-O). Tonight we’re eating what my mom calls musgo. In other words, everything Must Go! We’re still pretty full-up from the weekend and we have a fridge full of leftovers. So while we were going to begin our new country tonight, selected by Mr. N, we’ve decided to hold-off until we finish up the musgo.

In the meantime, we’ll share one of the recipes from our “barn raising” that was a favorite for Mr. N and Miss A. Our original plan was to use a bunch of little smokies in an Amish breakfast casserole, but since we didn’t have much success with Amish recipes this weekend, we decided to look for other options. We found an interesting recipe on Hot Dog City that put an Asian twist on an American favorite. These Pigs in a Blanket Asian Style were definitely the biggest hit with the kids yesterday. We started with these ingredients: Continue reading