An Audible

When planning, when parenting, when traveling, when cooking, when in a relationship, or when planning just about anything, the ability to run an audible is imperative. In fact, I’m pretty sure I run at least one audible daily. Take this blog post. I was planning to post about our adventure to Chicago Gourmet and launch our giveaway, but instead I’m audibling and writing about audibles! It would be amazing if everything went according to plan, but let’s face it, that’s not always going to be the case. In fact, it rarely ever is.


Sabbatical planning is a good example. I assumed as soon as I finished having to commute to the city two to three days a week for work, my schedule would magically open and I would have time to tackle my mounting to do list. I wasn’t expecting daily trips to the city for Mr. N’s new show and theater training. This necessitated an audible.


So as I mentioned last week, I reorganized my to-do lists and created new calendars. Things seemed manageable. By the end of week one, we got the kids to all their activities. I finished my clients’ projects, ran all my errands, exercised daily and tackled the trip planning items designated for the week. The new calendar system worked, or did it?

country cat

By week’s end I did not have that anticipated sense of accomplishment; instead I was left unsettled by my new time management system. I’m not used to having to-do lists on one project (in this case sabbatical planning) extend for weeks, let alone months, and it left me feeling unfinished and uncomfortable. But the system is working. It’s manageable. It allows for free time and it’s not overwhelming. It wasn’t the system that needed adjusting, it was me.


So this weekend I pulled an audible. I put my to-do lists and tasks aside. I packed a bag and Miss A and I were country bound (while the boys hit the city!).

country girl

There’s nothing like travel to realign my thinking. I love hopping in the car, rolling down the windows and playing my favorite songs. Fortunately Miss A and I share a love of Vance Joy, which we sang the entire way to The Kitchen’s Garden, otherwise known as the Farmy. We were long overdue for a visit to the country with our good friend Miss C. It was the perfect audible and provided everything I needed…

sight lines

Staring in wonder at wide open spaces and their unending sight lines to clear my mind.

country walk

Evening walks, reminiscing, laughing and sharing a glass of wine with a good friend to be present-minded.

golden hour

Watching Miss A’s golden curls against the backdrop of amber fields to fill me with amazement and joy.


Sitting in a familiar and comfortable silence, all together, to instill a sense of peace.


Carving a pumpkin with my pumpkin to spark a childlike playfulness.

home schooling

Working out planning details with the help of a talented friend to organize thoughts.

standing strong

And simply being alongside strong, independent and smart women to remind me of my strength and graceful power.

baby chicks

It was a much-needed diversion.

turkeys sunset

Travel is the surest way to bring me home.

farm to table

Now I’m ready, ready to run the inevitable audibles.


How about you? Is it travel? Art? Shopping? Sky diving? Do you have a sure-fire method to ground yourself?

country dog

We all need something, because really, there is never a dull moment (not that I’d have it any other way!).


We’ll be back in a day or two with the promised giveaway…if all goes as planned.

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34 thoughts on “An Audible

  1. Sawsan@ Chef in disguise says:

    I will tell you what my Audible is if you promise not to laugh lol

    When things get overwhelming I watch Mulan or a couple of episodes of the cartoons I loved as a kid
    It makes my husband and friends laugh but it is my way to find my ground when life gets to be too much.
    Since coming to the UAE, watching the sun rise over the mountains or set over the sea has become one of my favorite audibles and even after a year and a half, they have not lost their magic

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kristy says:

      I love your audible!!!!! Not laughing at all. Sometimes I buy new crayons and a Barbie coloring book. Makes me happy and relieved my stress every time! Cartoons from my childhood would do the trick too. 😉


  2. Grannymar says:

    I came by way of the farmy and all the way from Ireland. I read the post and as I scrolled, I was half expecting to find a podcast of your visit to The Kitchen’s garden. For us the Latin word audīre, meaning “to hear” or “to listen,” gives us the root aud. Words from the Latin audīre have to do with hearing. Anything audible is loud enough to be heard.

    The comments told me I was barking up the wrong tree. I reread the post and still wonder how audibles have anything to do with lists or calendars? The photos are terrific and you have a beautiful little daughter.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kristy says:

      Hi Grannymar! Thank you so much for stopping in from the Farmy. Isn’t Celi wonderful! It’s funny, we use the word audible so much that I didn’t realize it is really quite American. Basically an audible is when the quarterback on an American football team changes the play at the last minute. It’s a quick switch in plans. So glad you liked the photos. It’s an easy place to capture beautiful shots. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. glutenfreezen says:

    I’d never heard of an “audible” I had to Google it and…it makes perfect sense! I love being organized and having everything just so. But like you said, it doesn’t leave a lot of room for the out of ordinary and re-charging. I’ve often thought that if we could all just go live with Miss C for at least one month out of every year, we’d be the healthiest and happiest people around! Great pictures too. Loved the cat on the pole and the pumpkin. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kristy says:

      That’s so true! A month at the Farmy would completely recharge anyone. That said, after a month at the Farmy, I don’t know that I’d ever want to go back to the city! 😉 I can tell you though, the weekend stay completely rebooted me. The to do list is quickly shrinking this week. The cat on the pole is my favorite too – it was as if he was posing.


    • Kristy says:

      I completely agree Raymund! Photography often forces your mind to focus on the present moment, preserves the memory and allows for new perspectives. It’s wonderful! And you certainly have a knack for it!


  4. Debra says:

    You picked the perfect destination for moving obstacles aside and heading out to recharging station! I don’t travel very far, but I’ve been known to just get in the car and drive to the beach for an hour or so, or the local mountains just long enough to look for deer and then come home. When that’s not possible it might just be an hour or two in a local botanical garden, but often we need those audibles to remind ourselves that we aren’t machines. We need to listen to that inner call and respond. I’m so glad you did, and your to-do list will be less intimidating, too, now that you’ve had such a lovely break. I love “your pumpkin holding the pumpkin!” 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kristy says:

      Debra I often think of your words when I find myself needing to recharge! You have taught me to appreciate awareness and the beauty all around me every day. 🙂 Thank you for that!


  5. Cecilia Mary Gunther says:

    YES! I agree with Moi Du Toi your pictures are gorgeous..I love it when you come down to the farmy and adding your EYE..(and yes the wine! ) I had no idea what an Audible was.. we must discuss this further when we are hanging from ropes on the climbing wall!! c

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kristy says:

      Now that will be a site to see! We’ll have to get someone to get a picture of that. 🙂 Looking forward to it. The pictures turned out very well. The Farmy provided the perfect backdrop – and the weather was stunning.


  6. hotlyspiced says:

    I had no idea what an audible was either – I thought you were getting out in your car to listen to a pod-cast or something on your headset. I didn’t know you lived so close to the Farmy. What an excellent place to go to clear your head, relax and unwind xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kristy says:

      I guess I never realized how American an “audible” is. Fascinating! Makes sense with its origins in American football. Yes, we live a hop, skip and jump from the Farmy. It’s wonderful.


  7. sallybr says:

    Kristy, did you know I had no idea what “run an audible” meant? I thought it was something to do with a sound, and wondered what the heck does she mean? Is she making a sound file with a list of things to do? then, of course, google is my best friend and I learned the expression and its origins, and read all your post again….

    super cool, loved it. I think I have a problem with running audibles, I tend to be too strict. I guess another expression could be ‘roll with the punches?” maybe similar? Anyway, I am glad you are able to run audibles and still keep all your projects moving ahead… But I knew you would…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kristy says:

      It’s funny, I actually looked it up last night too. I knew what it meant, but didn’t know where it came from – football I guess! Yes, very similar to roll with the punches. 🙂 I’ve gotten better with audibles over time. They definitely help me every day!

      Liked by 1 person

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