Miss A’s Favorite Bread

Miss A and I are visiting my mom and dad this beautiful fall Sunday. We’re cooking our usual weekly staples from their house quite simply because I missed them and needed out of the house. Even though I’m still rolling through my cooking, I have company and I don’t have to look at all the chores stacking up around my own house. There is just no time to get to them this week. Out of sight, out of mind.

So while Miss A and I are visiting, Mike is working on his portfolio for work. He’s up for tenure this year and it’s review time. And Mr. N is at rehearsal. He has another show next weekend, so today is the beginning of tech week, rehearsals for four hours a day until opening night. So aside from our prepared lunches and snacks, we won’t be cooking too much this week. It’s going to be one of those grab and go times. Fortunately, we did have the chance to cook quite a few new recipes for the blog last weekend and we’ll have some delicious Indian dishes on the way soon. First, we thought we’d share Miss A’s favorite bread recipe and a few pictures from our annual fall trip to Winona, Minnesota. white bread dough

As you may recall, Miss A wasn’t such a big fan of the kefir bread. She prefers a regular white or wheat bread taste to a sourdough bread taste. Now for those of you that have been following our blog for a while now, you also know that I am not a bread baker. Yeast and I tend to not get along so well, unlike Miss A and yeast-based breads. She has it down to a science. rising dough

So when Charles at Five Euro Food posted his recipe for No-knead bread in two hours, I knew I had to give this a try. It seemed fool-proof. The recipe truly couldn’t have been easier. I followed Charles’ instructions to a “t” and it didn’t disappoint. The bread rose beautifully as you can see. rising yeast bread

And then it baked just as well; although I left it in a smidge too long. No matter, it looked like real bread and I counted this as a true success. A breakthrough! white bread

Of course, the true test came when I sliced a piece. I still had a fear that it would have turned out too dense, like my typical bread baking results. Not this time though! It even looked like real bread; and Miss A’s 4 spoon rating was the icing on the cake. white bread slices

In fact, it got a 4 spoon rating from each one of us. I can’t begin to tell you how excited I was to have finally, and successfully, pulled off a yeast bread recipe. Miss A enjoyed many a lunch sandwich on the bread. It also went perfectly with wine and cheese. Thank you Charles!

For the recipe: Charles’ No-knead Bread

Now, here are a few pictures from our recent annual trip with Friend Sue and Richard to Winona. We ate fantastic food, tasted good wines, drove to historic sites and saw old friends. It was the perfect fall getaway, and a much needed respite. And even though the weather wasn’t 100% cooperative, it did lend for a beautiful rainbow that stretched over the entire town. Unfortunately, by the time we drove to a good overlook and I got my camera ready, it had faded to just one end of town. The full rainbow was a stunning sight. rainbow over Winona

While in Winona, we also had the chance to see the largest steamboat ever built. The American Queen was built in 1995 and is a replica of a classic Mississippi River steamboat from the 1800’s. The American Queen docked for a day at Levee Park while on its nine-day journey on the Mississippi River from St. Paul, Minnesota to Memphis, Tennessee. It was an impressive ship and one that invokes thoughts of Mark Twain and early life on the Mississippi. levee park
American Queen1
American Queen 2
American Queen 3
American Queen 4
American Queen 5
American Queen 6
American Queen 7
American Queen 8

And just so you know that we’re alive and well, despite our infrequent posts and comments, here are a few of the family shots from our weekend. family at American Queen
Miss A






Happy fall everyone! Next time we’ll be back with vegetable dish that actually garnered a 4 spoon rating from one of the kids! Cheers.

25 thoughts on “Miss A’s Favorite Bread

  1. Caroline says:

    What a wonderful family photo. 🙂 and wow, your bread turned out beautiful! I keep telling myself I’m going to try and make homemade bread, but I haven’t faced that fear yet. Someday! Hope you’re hanging in there!


  2. Nami | Just One Cookbook says:

    Your posts are always heartwarming and make me happy and cheerful! Your life seems very busy just like mine but so happy to see your happy family face (that’s a great shot!). 🙂 The bread looks so good – I want to eat homemade bread everyday (I for sure gain weight from doing this!). 🙂


  3. thecompletebook says:

    Seems this time of year is busy for us all in different ways.
    Wow, Mr N and Miss A have grown in leaps and bounds again. They are looking so grown up. Fabulous family pics.
    I am going to have to make this bread ASAP!
    🙂 Mandy xo


  4. cecilia says:

    I desperately want to go out on that steam boat.. what a wonderful thing that must have been to see the real one steaming up and down the river.. The cool weather is coming for us.. sigh… hope you are all well and good. looking forward to seeing you all soon..fall has definitely hit us.. c


  5. Kelly @ Inspired Edibles says:

    The family photo is beautiful Kristy – and so is this bread! A no-knead (no-hassle) bread is right up my alley too; I should definitely give this one a try. Sounds like you’re having lots of fun and travelling about – that is one seriously honking steamboat! Wow, Mr N and Miss A must have loved witnessing that excitement :).


  6. Eva Taylor says:

    I read your post a few days ago and then things got a little busy! I’m very glad that you had success with a yeasted dough and that everyone in the family enjoyed it. I’m very fortunate that my dear Mom never instilled a fear of yeasted dough in us, so I’m fearless making it. Yes, I’ve had some failures, but not catastrophic that it was inedible!
    It looks like you had a lovely little vacay; that boat looks incredible, it’s difficult to believe it is a replica! I’m looking forward to hearing about Mr. N’s big performance…it looks like you are en route to being a stage Mom! A friend of mine’s daughter who is about the same age as Mr. N is really, really into pageants…she has become a dreaded pageant Mom! Oh the stories…


  7. Bam's Kitchen says:

    Great Fall photos shots of the family and of course your kids smiles can light up any room. I hope your having a great time at your parents and I can’t wait to give Charles 2 hour no fuss bread a try. Have a super week. BAM


  8. Barbara Bamber | justasmidgen says:

    Your fall photos are just gorgeous, Kristy! What lovely Christmas cards they’d make. I think your photography skills have gone to a whole new level. I love baking bread and it’s exciting when kids start figuring it out too! I’ll have to check out this recipe, it looks nice a fast and that’s a good thing these days. Enjoy your trip to your mom and dad’s!


  9. ChgoJohn says:

    Glad to see you all again, Kristy! Look like you had a great time in Winona. The American Queen is HUGE! I’d no idea that steamboats were that large. To earn a 4 spoon rating from the Divine Miss A, this bread must be delicious. That crumb sure looks good. Mr N is becoming quite the thespian. There’s a good market for dinner theaters, you know. 😉


  10. spicegirlfla says:

    So nice to “see” you all again!! You are really like family, like long distance relatives. It’s great to see your photos and catch up on your very busy family life! I obviously missed Charles no knead bread recipe, so this is a complete surprise to me! I don’t knead my pizza dough, but didn’t think I could get away with it for making bread. This I must try especially with a 4 spoon rating from Miss A!


  11. sallybr says:

    Loved everything, but the last photo of the two cute kids takes first prize! Frame that one, please!!!!

    great to see you back, and with a bread post to make me smile even more!


  12. Munchy says:

    I have the same problem with yeast. It makes me very nervous. But the recipe you’ve given seems easy and stress free so I’ll give it a go.

    The pictures are amazing and it looks like you guys had a great time 😀 I can’t wait for my child to be old enough so we can cook together. Right now, even though he likes to help around, the food ends up on the floor more often than not. He’s only 3.


  13. hotlyspiced says:

    Mr N is certainly into his acting. Those are long rehearsal times for someone of his age. He clearly enjoys being involved in theatre very much. I love Miss A’s hair – I sure wish mine was like that. Charles always has great recipes. How lovely to have home-baked bread and isn’t is great that you don’t have to be the world’s best baker to make wonderful bread xx


  14. Velva says:

    Great photos! This time of year is always busy, and can get a little crazy. I try to go easy on myself when it comes to getting everything done on my “To do” list


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