Eggcellent Adventure

After about a year of dating Mike things were getting serious, and we decided to take a big step and spend the holidays together. So on Thanksgiving our plan was to spend the day at his parents’ house. He picked me up at my mom and dad’s and off we went. Little did Mike realize I would be crying for the entire drive. You see this was the first holiday spent away from my family, and for me that was a big deal.

Fast forward 15 years and I was crying again, but this time as we said bon voyage to Mike’s parents. They are now part of my family which is something I’m grateful for every day. Cliff and Marilyn have left their home (which was a few blocks away from ours) and headed for bluer skies and greener grass. Look out Florida – here come Nana and Papa! bye nana and papa

While we are all very excited for them to begin their “excellent adventure” that has been 30 years in the making, we are also very sad that they’ll no longer be one mile away. When we moved back to the Chicago area after our stint in Minnesota, we lived with Mike’s parents while we waited for our house in Winona to sell. Now, I’ll admit to being nervous about moving in with my “in-laws”, but in reality there was nothing to be nervous about at all. They gave us our space, made for great company on the nights Mike was teaching, provided the kids with hours of entertainment, and sent Mike and I out on regular date nights. We really all came together as a family that year, getting to know each other and making a lifetime of memories.

I could go on and on about what Nana and Papa mean to us, but they’re not the mushy sort and they know how we feel. What I will say is that what I am the most grateful for is how my kids have gotten to know their Nana and Papa. It’s truly a gift. And while there are many things the kids will miss dearly about Nana and Papa, if you ask them, tops on their list will be Papa’s breakfasts. Papa’s breakfasts were not fancy, but they were absolutely created for his grandkids – waffles topped with ice cream, chocolate syrup and sometimes a bit of fruit. Only a Papa could get away with that!

So in honor of Nana and Papa’s departure we thought we’d share an equally decadent, but a bit more grown-up breakfast treat. You may remember a few months back, Miss A and I had the opportunity to visit Miss C at the farmy – a trip Miss A is still talking about regularly. One of her favorite memories of the farm (aside from Ton and Boo) was collecting eggs with Miss C. Miss A at the Farmy

Miss C was gracious enough to send the eggs Miss A collected home with us and we knew right away how to put them to good use. With our trip to Canada and New York around the corner (the one we just returned from – is it just me or is time flying this summer!), we figured it was time for a stateside recipe. Did you know that according to one account Eggs Benedict originated in New York City at the Waldorf Hotel in 1894? And did you know that Eggs Benedict is best when made with fresh eggs? Well, we can now attest to that! farmy eggs

We made our Eggs Benedict by poaching Miss C’s farm fresh eggs. poaching an egg

We also used regular bacon since the kids aren’t all that big on Canadian bacon (yet – it will grow on them). frying bacon

Mike worked on our Hollandaise sauce made from the farmy egg yolks. Hollandaise sauce

And Miss A buttered our English muffins. buttering toast

Once assembled, we topped our Eggs Benedict with paprika, chives and a wee bit of truffle salt, because let me tell you – truffle salt and eggs equals ooh la, la to me! There is just something about that combo that brings eggs to a whole new level. Eggs and bacon

Now I had never had Eggs Benedict before and was never really a big egg eater. Aside from the occasional omelette, I rarely eat them. However, this little breakfast delight completely changed everything. Perhaps it was the farm fresh eggs – they really do make a BIG difference in flavor. bacon and eggs

Or perhaps my tastes have changed, or maybe I just know how to cook them a bit more properly now. Whatever it was, thanks to this meal, I’ve been eating poached eggs left and right (and making sure to get eggs on my trip to the farmer’s market). Needless to say this dish got a 4 spoon ranking from me – Mike too! Eggs Benedict

But it wasn’t just my diet that this recipe transformed, even the kids were won over. The same two kids that moaned and groaned whenever we served an egg dish, devoured the Eggs Benedict. Despite even asking for more, they weren’t ready to give it a full 4 spoons and were adamant that it was a 3 spoon dish for them. Well, I’ll take it! That’s certainly progress over the usual, “Ugh! Eggs? I hate eggs!” Hollandaise sauce

The Eggs Benedict was creamy, fresh and full of flavor. While it may not be as kid-friendly as ice cream and waffles, it’s just as rich! It’s definitely not a diet breakfast, but my goodness it is worth every little calorie. I can guarantee I will be making this again sometime soon. Maybe even the next time Nana and Papa come back for a visit (See we’re already trying to entice them to come back soon!) breakfast

Print this recipe: Eggs Benedict
Print this recipe: Hollandaise Sauce

We hope you all enjoyed our little stateside adventure this week. And Nana and Papa – perhaps you can keep your eyes open for some good Florida recipes we can test out. We’ll be back next week to continue our French cooking adventure. It’s becoming our summer in France (don’t I wish!). Until then, I thought I would share a series of photos from the Farmy. This time it’s from the perspective of Miss A, so a bit of a different vantage point.

The farmy through Miss A’s lens:

mommy meets boo

Mommy meets Boo. She likes dogs.


This is Ton Ton. I call him Ton. He liked me.
ton and boo

Boo was silly. He kept trying to take Ton’s frisbee.


The pigs were as big as me!

ton again

I like Ton.


These are the chickens. I got to pick their eggs with Miss C. Then we ate them.

44 thoughts on “Eggcellent Adventure

  1. Mary says:

    They sound like wonderful people – my mum in law is a wonderful lady too and lives 1 mile down the road – I don’t know what I would have done without her and she is so close to my girls :)) I’ve just got back from England with my 12 year old visiting my mum – 3000 miles and a large ocean sometimes seems just too far!!! but we had a great time — the eggs benedict look glorious!!!!
    Mary x


  2. Nami | Just One Cookbook says:

    I’m so sorry to hear your in-laws are moving away. It’s always nice to live near family (in our case, VERY far) but to think positive, you always have a great vacation spot in Florida?! 😀 I love eggs benedict and your photos make me so hungry!!!


  3. Charles says:

    Oh dear – poor Mr. N does *not* look happy in that first photo… was that shortly before you said goodbye? 😦

    Kristy – those eggs benedict had me all kinds of drooling… seriously – that is the very essence of foodporn! Delicious bacon, fresh, wonderful eggs, lashings of hollandaise, atop a lovely muffin! Can you believe I never even had eggs benedict before? I seriously need to remedy this, because that dish… it’s just too good to NOT have. Hmm, maybe I’ll try and whip it up this Sunday for breakfast!

    Lovely pics all around – especially nice to see the world through Miss A’s eyes :). Looks like she had a grand old time!


    • Kristy says:

      Hi Charles! Yes, the photo was taken last weekend as they were leaving. Tough goodbye for all.

      And I had never had eggs benedict until this either and believe me I’ll be having it again and again! Although I tried it at a restaurant the other day and was disappointed. The farm fresh eggs makes a big difference. 🙂


  4. Whitney says:

    We called my mother’s father Papa as well. He was known for his amazing omlettes but I’m wondering, all these years later, if they were so good because he made them? Grandparents are such a blessing.


  5. Whitney says:

    We called my mother’s father PaPa as well! What a gift grandparents are. My Papa just happened to make an incredible omelette though I’m thinking they were so incredible for no other reason but the fact that he made them.


    • Kristy says:

      I know exactly what you mean Whitney. There’s something about that whole “prepared with love” thing that makes food extra good – and grandparents have a knack for that! 🙂


  6. Eva Taylor says:

    Hi Kristy, I know how disappointed you are that your inlaws moved to Florida, it’s so lovely that you got on with them so well. But on a positive note, you’ll have somewhere lovely to go in Florida!
    I’m very surprised you’ve never had an egg Benny! I’m really glad you waited to sample it with farm fresh eggs, what an incredible flavour it must have had to garner four spoons! There are so many variations like Eggs Charlotte (made with smoked salmon) Eggs Florentine (substitute the bacon with spinach), but my fav is the old faithful eggs Benny!
    I’m also surprised they were invented at the Waldorf; coincidentally I posted a recipe today that was created at the predecessor The Astoria! Great minds. Did you know that we Canadians call Canadian bacon pea meal bacon? A little useless trivia to end the week with! Have a great weekend…see you soon.


    • Kristy says:

      Hi Eva! You are right and we are trying to stay positive (although we already miss them!). Florida will be nice to visit as soon as it gets cold again here. And believe me – I’ll be eating my way through all the variations soon. 🙂 So good! I’m looking forward to checking out your Astoria recipe. It’s a fabulous hotel if you ever get the chance to visit.


  7. Jessica Maher (@kbelleicious) says:

    first of all it is so neat that you call them nana and papa because that is what we call my grandmother and grandfather! i love them so and your post made me miss them so. what a great and nice dinner. It looks comforting and just really down home cooking at its finest!


  8. Purely.. Kay says:

    There is nothing like American bacon. Nothing :). I like Canadian, but you can’t make me stop eating regular bacon :). And fresh farm eggs does make a HUGE difference. I love going to a friends farm in southern Jersey and eating the fresh, organic food. And Kristy this was such a loving tribute to your in laws. And may I point out, that Mike, his father, and Mr. N all have the same look on their faces :). There’s nothing like family 🙂


  9. Dawn says:

    Looks amazing!! I love eggs – can’t get enough of them. I would eat them every single day if I could. I can’t believe you lived that close to your in-laws, at least you will have a warm place to visit now! Can’t wait to hear about your NYC adventure!!


  10. cecilia says:

    Good morning everyone. What a lovely collection of images from the farmy through Miss A’s beautiful eyes. And the eggs benedict looks fantastic. I was sorry to read that your beloved in laws are shifting away however it does give you another holiday destination, I hear it is beautiful down there! Maybe you can pick me up on the way through! In NZ our bacon is like the canadian style but a bigger cut, (more meat less fat and includes the rind) however like your children I LOVE the crispy American bacon! Now I am off to check out your hollandaise sauce! Love love.. Miss C. PS Tell Miss A that the piglets are tame enough to play with now!!


  11. hotlyspiced says:

    I love eggs Benedict – it’s my favourite breakfast. But I’m so sad for you that Mike’s parents are moving to Florida. My husband’s parents did the exact same thing only here they move to the Sunshine Coast. They used to be a mile away too and we saw them all the time and then suddenly they were gone. It’s been quite a disconnection and for them, I’m not sure it was a wise move especially as it was done in extreme haste! Big story there! Anyway, I know your pain. I do hope you are able to keep up the contact even with them several States away xx


    • Kristy says:

      Thank you Charlie! I’m sure we’ll stay in touch. It will just be so strange not to see them every week – for the kids especially. At least Florida is a great getaway in the cooler months!


  12. Karen says:

    Fresh eggs are the very best and your benedict sounds terrific with bacon. Wishing a safe journey to Nana and Papa. You will enjoy visiting them for a break from the cold in the future. 🙂


  13. sallybr says:

    What a beautiful post! I can see the sadness in the first photo, particularly on your father in law’s expression… I am sure it is hard for them to be apart from the four of you. The distances in the US are so big, but in a way it is easy to get together again.

    wishing good luck for them on their new life!


    • Kristy says:

      Thank you Sally. It was a hard goodbye for all of us. We talked to the kids about “good missing.” It’s a phrase Mike and I used when we lived long distance from each other years ago. Good missing is a bittersweet feeling – you’re sad that you miss someone, but thankful and happy that you have someone so loved in your life to miss. 🙂


  14. laurasmess says:

    This is such a beautiful post. I love everything about it, from the photographs to the beautifully written, honest recollections, to the gorgeous eggs Benedict! It’s hard living away from family. My husband and I live just down the road from both sets of parents and I can’t imagine what it’d be like to live in a different state! We don’t necessarily see each other all the time… it’s more just the fact that we could. That we’re five minutes away from a hug or a chat if need be. I hope that your in-laws settle well in Florida and that you get to visit them soon. You have a gorgeous family. I am so glad that you’re all so close. Hugs xx


    • Kristy says:

      Thank you so much Laura! I’ve always been close to family too (with the exception of a few years we lived in Minnesota – but that’s why we moved back!). It’s definitely going to be an adjustment, but we’ll make the most of it. 🙂


  15. Norma Chang says:

    The faces in the first photo said a lot. The memories, the emotions. I am sure it was a difficult good-bye. On the other hand you now have a new location to visit and explore. I would love to visit Miss C Farmy with all the animals and produce and trees, such a wonderful experience for the kids. It is breakfast time, I will have 2 egg benedits please.


  16. thecompletecookbook says:

    So sorry your in-laws are going to be further away Kristy, although Florida will make for some great vacations I’m sure.
    I LOVE eggs and eat them just about every morning for breakfast. Eggs Benedict is saved for special occasions though and is much loved in our family too.
    How lovely to see Miss A’s perspective of the farmy.
    Pardon my ignorance but what is Canadian bacon vs regular bacon?
    🙂 Mandy xo


    • Kristy says:

      Hi Mandy – I found this description online at “Canadian bacon is closer to ham than it is to bacon. The meat is lean, slightly sweet, and juicy. Unlike regular bacon, Canadian bacon does not crisp up in its own fat while it is being cooked. The meat is meant to be served in a soft, juicy stage of cooking, and it will be dry and tasteless if it is allowed to crisp up. It is also usually served in thicker wedges than those used for conventional bacon.” Around us, Canadian bacon is usually sold in round slices where as traditional bacon is sold in rashers. 🙂


  17. Bam's Kitchen says:

    Your whole family will have very special memories together with grandma and grandpa and now you will have a super great excuse to visit them both and Mickey Mouse along the way. Great pictures of the farmy and what a great age to bring the kids. I can see how Ms. C has beautiful pictures with so much activity every day. Your eggs benedict looks perfectly buttered and delicious and I bet it was just wonderful with the fresh free range eggs. Take Care, BAM


  18. Three Well Beings says:

    The first thing I’ll just say is that you aren’t the only one with tears…Nana and Papa must be going through a flood of emotions themselves. Good for them. And the way you travel, Florida is going to be a very special destination. Delightful images from Miss C’s and I think it’s just wonderful that Miss A had the opportunity to interact with those amazing animal friends. I can’t wait to try this particular recipe…you had me really hooked when you mentioned paprika and truffle salt! 🙂 Very special family and friends post, Kristy. 🙂


  19. Barbara Bamber | justasmidgen says:

    What special memories you’ve made as a family, your son’s expression says it all.. the love and the sorrow all at once. I can see lots of trips to Florida in your future:) How wonderful you got to visit the Farmy!! And meet all the animals.. and pick up fresh eggs.. and make eggs benedict. I haven’t mastered poaching by any stretch of the imagination, it’s something I need to work on. I also didn’t know our Canadian bacon was different?? xx


    • Kristy says:

      Hi Smidge – I hope you don’t mind me posting the same answer I gave to Mandy. I found it online and thought it was a good explanation. 🙂 I found this description online at “Canadian bacon is closer to ham than it is to bacon. The meat is lean, slightly sweet, and juicy. Unlike regular bacon, Canadian bacon does not crisp up in its own fat while it is being cooked. The meat is meant to be served in a soft, juicy stage of cooking, and it will be dry and tasteless if it is allowed to crisp up. It is also usually served in thicker wedges than those used for conventional bacon.” Around us, Canadian bacon is usually sold in round slices where as traditional bacon is sold in rashers.


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