A Special Treat

Today we have a special treat for you.  Our good friend Charles at Five Euro Food asked us to guest post on his delicious blog which has everything from roasted chickpeas (one of our favorites) to the Swedish Sockerkaka, and all for around five euros. The reason for the guest post? Charles is a proud new papa to one of the most adorable baby boys I have ever seen! And knowing how special these early moments are, we were more than happy to help.

Now most of you regulars know that I don’t eat chocolate. I’ve just never been a big fan. I was allergic as a child and even though the allergy disappeared, I just never grew to really like it. However…there is one, and only one, exception to this rule. No bake cookies! 

They have served me well in many a dessert emergency (including one last night!). Hot in a cup or cold from the fridge. They are a real treat.

I know there are many versions of this recipe floating about, but for the one that’s been passed down in my family for many generations make sure to visit Charles’ blog. It is a must-have recipe to keep in your back pocket and it just seemed the perfect recipe to share with Charles and his growing family. Congratulations Charles! Someday Mike, Mr. N, Miss A and I look forward to meeting you all!

Stay tuned for Mr. N’s state fair recipe over the weekend – a tasty dessert from our home state of Illinois. And make sure to checkout NoshOnIt tomorrow – they are featuring our Piri Piri for World Cuisine Wednesday! Our sincere thanks goes out to Deborah at Taste and Tell for the referral. If you have a chance swing by Deborah’s blog too. Her pictures (and recipes) will have you drooling in no time.

Oh and next week…Cuba! Cheers.

33 thoughts on “A Special Treat

  1. Jessica Maher (@kbelleicious) says:

    kristy, at first I wasn’t sure if we could still be friends- I was not aware you did not like chocolate- but then then you said the most amazing three words- no bake cookies! I then remembered why it is I love ya so much! LOL! Kidding of course but these cookies rock girl!


  2. Nami | Just One Cookbook says:

    I sometimes wish that I wasn’t chocoholic, considering how much chocolate got me in trouble (weight issue I’m taking about here). But I cannot think of a day without kids, and chocolate after all. LOL! Same level as kids? Maybe! Just kidding. This no bake treats sounds so good.. Must make with the kids. Hopefully not at night…because I won’t stop with one bite for sure. 😉 Great guest post Kristy!


  3. Dad says:

    I have resisted making comments this long but had to with this post. Leave the chocolate out and add butter scotch chips instead. you know the chocolate just ruins these cookies.


  4. sallybr says:

    Nice post, I went there and I am back here, so I am a little dizzy now from the jumping around

    twelve emergencies per year… I see… well, for someone who doesn’t care for chocolate, you are doing very well! 😉


  5. hotlyspiced says:

    I just love these Kristy and I would find it so hard to stop at one. My hand would be reaching out for so many more. And how fabulous of you to guest post for Charles during this very special time in his life. Isn’t William adorable! (And big!) xx


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