How Sweet It Is

Fall in rural Michigan.

It’s state night again and believe it or not, we’re done featuring all of our deliciousness from Maine. While we’re sad to see it go, we’re excited to press on with some new stateside adventures. In this post we will however be revisiting another state  – Michigan.  Only this time we’re not cooking with cherries, rather we’re going with some juicy Michigan blueberries (not to be confused with Maine blueberries😉 ) and peaches.

My mom and dad recently enjoyed a weekend getaway to the Traverse City area of Michigan, and when they came back my dad made a delicious blueberry and peach cobbler. My dad doesn’t bake often, but when he does you know it’s going to be something good (and usually something terribly caloric). Peach cobblers, banana breads and my birthday cake (which I’m looking forward to next week!) are some of his specialties.

Dad found this particular recipe in a magazine while they were away. It’s not a surprise that it caught his eye. And since we enjoyed it so much, we brought the idea home and put our own twist on it. We first made a visit to our farmer’s market to grab up some Michigan peaches and blueberries, the we got to work making our Blueberry-Peach Crisp.

We started by preparing the streusel topping, a crumbly mixture of flour, butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and a bit of salt. 

Then we mixed together the blueberries, chopped peaches, vanilla and sugar.

We added the fruit to a greased baking dish and sprinkled with a little extra flour to prevent the juices from turning overly runny, and topped it with the streusel.

We baked the fruit crisp at 375F for 45 minutes and it came out perfectly bubbly and browned. Yum!

The color of this cobbler just makes me happy and it screams early fall to me. Soon the house will be filled with the smells of apples, sage and pumpkin, but for now we’re enjoying the last of the summer fruits.

We served the warm crisp with vanilla ice cream. We had no choice. It’s law. Needless to say, this dessert did not last long in our house. Mr. N and Miss A were happy to eat this crisp for dessert, and they even got a little treat for breakfast one morning. Sans ice cream that time; although Mr. N did pour some milk over the top. Mike and I also enjoyed our fair share of this delightfully sweet and buttery dessert, making it a 4 spoon hit all around. (And don’t worry – we did manage to save a piece for my dad too!)

Print this recipe: Blueberry-Peach Crisp

37 thoughts on “How Sweet It Is

    • Kristy says:

      I’m actually at the end of September…the 29th! 🙂 I often find that I’m in good company. I know so many wonderful friends/family with birthdays this week. It’s a great week to be born! 🙂


    • Kristy says:

      Mr. N gets that from my dad’s family. They all eat milk poured over the top of my grandma’s blackberry cobbler. Mr. N figured it would work here too and he sure liked it! 🙂


  1. Charles says:

    Bah, more blueberries? I’m convinced you’re just posting them to mock me now! 😀 The next time I see blueberries in my local store I’ll buy some and take a photo so you can have a good chuckle at the pitiful excuses we get dished out here! Fabulous looking dessert – as always – really crisp and warming 😀 By the way – I wondered for a while, does your “family food grading system” only go up to 4 spoons, as in 4 spoons being the ultimate in uber-awesomeness?


    • Kristy says:

      LOL! Don’t worry…I think this is the last of the blueberries for a while. 😉 Yep, our spoon ratings only go up to four spoons which is uber-awesomeness. 🙂 I added a spoon explanation in the side bar that gives a bit more of an explanation.


  2. Caroline says:

    I think your dad found a winning recipe, this looks divine Kristy! Peaches and blueberries make for a great combo. Can’t wait to see the cake your dad whips up for your birthday. Guess I’ll have to wait, again. 😉 And desserts aren’t really desserts unless there’s tons of calories and sugar!


  3. kitchenbelleicious says:

    You are on the roll with fresh fruit these days. I would have to say this is the best crisp I have ever seen. My husband is so weird though. I would have to tell him this is a cake or something because the world cobbler, crisp or casserole just makes him shiver. I think he had a bad experience growing up or something but rest assured I am slowly changing his mind and with this crisp he might be converted for good


    • Kristy says:

      Wow! Thank you Jessica! 🙂 I can completely relate to your husband’s fear of anything with the word “casserole” in the title. Well, I hope that this crisp can at least win him over on the crisps and cobblers. If not, there’s more for you! 😉


      • Kristy says:

        Here’s what I found on the subject:
        • Crumble – A crumble is probably the most familiar to most of us. It’s simply fresh fruit with a streusel-like topping that gets baked until the fruit is cooked. The streusel is usually a simple mix of oatmeal, brown sugar, butter, and spices. An actual crisp, as in apple crisp or strawberry crisp, is the same idea but with no oats in the topping. This makes the topping more like a crumbled cookie or pie crust.
        • Cobbler – Cobblers add a biscuit topping to the fresh fruit. The biscuits are usually dropped onto the fruit in small rounds, giving it the appearance of a cobbled road and hence the name. Cobblers can also be made with cake batter or cookie dough instead of biscuit and are equally tasty.


  4. Kelly says:

    Oh, this looks so delicious Kristy – I love that your dad brought the recipe to your attention… blueberry and peach smothered in the goodness of fall… hard to beat. Your topping is golden gorgeous. (I love that the ice cream is twice the size of the crisp in the last photo :)) So you’re a soon-to-be birthday girl… who is cooking for mom on the big day?


    • Kristy says:

      LOL! I suppose I do tend to heap on the ice cream. 😉 I’ll be spending my birthday at my mom and dad’s – I think mom will be cooking (whatever I end up picking…such a tough decision) and dad will be doing the baking. Very excited! 🙂


  5. Kay aka Babygirl says:

    Another recipe I can make in a cast iron pan while substituting the peaches for mangos or another melon. Seriously, this sweet dessert put a smile on my face. I can see how this caught your dads eye.. it looks amazing. And butter…. love it


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