The Rhythm of the Night

By Chef Dad

Greetings from Spain!  Kristy has been known to throw in the occasional YouTube link to an old pop song, and while I’ve got the keys to the blog, it seems only fair to keep up the tradition.  (Side note: I let the VEVO channel keep running in the background, spinning ’80s pop tunes and within about four songs I got Rick-rolled.)  But today’s song is, I think, a pretty good one to have stuck in your head. Continue reading

If You’re Happy & You Know It…(Eating in Madrid)

As you saw from the kids’ post, we arrived safe in Europe and spent several wonderful days in Madrid. It’s taken us about a week to recover from the jet lag. Fortunately we weren’t in much of a rush since Spain’s day runs later than ours.


Miss A at her favorite cafe in Madrid – Capuccino’s.

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