Of Fairy Godmothers and Cinnamon Swirls

I’m exhausted. Those of you reading along the past couple of weeks know that we’ve been busy. We’ve had our share of ups and downs. Life is like that though. The inevitable roller coaster ride. Sometimes we glide along smoothly and at other times we’re taken up, down and around. I should be in bed. I should be asleep. Or at the very least, I should be using these early morning hours when I’m tossing and turning to catch up on laundry, my work, the mundane list of to do’s that’s been piling up this busy summer, but when words are spinning around in my head, sometimes I just need to put them down. Continue reading

A Moment of Silence

We will be back tomorrow with our regularly scheduled weekly post. Tonight we’re going to have a quiet night at home embracing what matters most. We don’t normally comment on current events or the state of the world here at Eat, Play, Love, but today’s tragedy hits a little too close to home. And sometimes, words just aren’t enough. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those touched by this senseless and unthinkable event.

We also want to send up a little love for our dear friend, loved pet and quite frankly the boss of our house. Fuzzball, seen here cooking with Miss A not that long ago, was laid to rest today. Continue reading