Garden of Beasts – Berlin, Germany

Growing up my thoughts of Germany were mostly in regard to the quaint, romanticism of western Germany, Bavaria and the Rhine region, or about the contrasting atrocities of World War II. I remember being fascinated and confused by the Wall as a child and excited when it came down, but beyond that I never really thought about visiting Berlin. Then I read Erik Larson’s In the Garden of Beasts, and I found myself with a yearning.


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Through His Eyes – Berlin

Time is passing quicker than I thought possible these days. Not only are we winding down our days in Poland, but I realized the last time we posted a photo perspective from the kids was in Madrid. (And believe me, they’ve taken quite a few pictures since then!) What follows are snapshots taken and selected by Mr. N. Here is Berlin through our now 12-year-old’s eyes and lens: Continue reading