Fast and the Furious

Last night was a hectic one. I ended up having to work a little extra late, we had a meal to put on the table and we had to be ready for our annual family pictures – all within an hour. The results – a fast meal and a furiously, frantic mom rushing around trying to cook, snap photos, keep the kids clean and finally get us all dressed and ready to go. Fortunately everything looked pretty darn good by the end of the night. Even Miss A’s hair was cooperating. 😉

Since we were still cooking from California, we found another healthy recipe that was seemingly right up Miss A’s alley – Turkey Avocado Pita Pizza. The ingredients are simple and fresh. We started with some Compari tomatoes since they are on the sweeter side and extra juicy.

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Salsa – Almost as Much Fun to Say as Sriracha

Miss A rollin’ in her signature laid back style – 2009

There’s a story behind this – every time we go to the grocery store and get to the Asian food aisle, Miss A starts yelling “Sri-chacha” – and I mean yelling. We can’t help but laugh every time, even while trying to shoosh her just a bit. Then she continues for the next few aisles whispering “Sri-chacha.”

While we didn’t use Sriracha tonight, it was Miss A’s pick for our stateside adventure. We asked her what state she wanted to cook from and without hesitation she said very matter of factly, “California.” Dad and I both turned and looked at each other in shock. You see she usually picks places we’ve recently talked about or visited, or even one she flips to in the atlas, but today was straight out of her own little mind. So even though we already visited California once before, we figured we’d give it another go because Miss A said so.

Every time we visit California we eat lots of fresh Mexican food – especially fresh salsa. And since we’re really full from eating desserts the past few weeks and weekends, we’re going to feature a healthy California side dish this week in its place – Pineapple Jicama Salsa. (Don’t worry…we’ll have another dessert soon. 😉 )

This recipe is courtesy of our good friend, Linda, who shared this wonderful dish with us last week after I devoured quite a bit at their house. We started by dicing some tomatoes, jicama and pineapple. Continue reading

California Dreaming on a Winter’s Day

Earlier this week Dad left for a conference in sunny California. It’s the first time in quite sometime that we’ve been apart – and the kiddos sure are missing him. And while I’m enjoying hogging an entire bed, I  miss him too. So tonight we decided to break with protocol a bit and cook-up a weeknight meal straight out of California. The recipe idea was given to us by a good friend Beth – a great cook and former New Englander, turned Californian (even though she’s now mostly in FL). Beth threw out a few meal options and the kids liked the idea of Breakfast Burritos. Thanks Beth! So here’s to you Dad.  We hope you’re enjoying CA and can’t wait to see you!  Continue reading