New York State of Mind

Just a brief post to say we’ve all recovered and we’re bound once again for one of our favorite destinations! Finger Lakes New York here we come! Hopefully Hobbs will keep himself out of trouble while we’re away! What do you think? 


If all goes as planned, we’re hoping to bring back some fresh cherries, wine and a lifetime of memories. We then hope to have a delicious cherry recipe to share too. We’ve been dabbling in the kitchen, but haven’t given it our official spoon ratings yet. It does appear to be blog-worthy though as Mr. N did declare, “You should make this more often. It’s delicious!” Perhaps I found a non-dessert 4 spooner? 


So, until next time…we’re on the road again – laughing, smiling, singing, planning, scheming and probably breaking up a few sibling squabbles along the way (“He’s touching me.” “She started it!”). Frankly, we wouldn’t have it any other way.

16 thoughts on “New York State of Mind

  1. Eva Taylor says:

    “Are we there yet?” usually came up during our road trips. And of course, the giggles. I think the giggles drove my parents the most crazy! I sure hope your weather is good, it’s been raining non-stop for over 20 hours here.
    I’ve always wanted to go to the finger lakes so I’m looking forward to reading about your adventures.


    • Kristy says:

      Rained non-stop here yesterday and most of today too. Such a wet summer so far. On our way home now. I think you guys would enjoy it in FLX Eva. (And yes, we’ve had lots of giggles too!)


  2. sallybr says:

    Ok, this may sound strange and even inappropriate, but here we go. I am profoundly jealous of how great you look with those sunglasses! Movie-star, my dear… movie-star

    one of the things I hate the most is that I always look like a deranged bee when I wore sunglasses. Hate it. Have never found a pair that suits me. Oh, well

    Enjoy your trip! and it seems to me Hobbs will be fine, but maybe he’ll prepare a few welcome home surprises for you…. all good, of course…


  3. mypinchofyum says:

    Hope you have a wonderful Vacation. And here i have something for you. 🙂

    By the way, I have been following your blog and just really enjoy the talents you share there. As a result, I would like to know a little more about you. Thus, I have nominated you for The “Liebster Award!”
    I would not be surprised if you’ve been nominated before, but if you’re like me, you never get tired of being acknowledged! Please follow the link to –

    Liked by 1 person

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