
My goodness! It’s already been almost two months since our trip to Banff. Time seems to be flying lately – between my work, Mike’s work, PTA, the kids’ schedules, the holidays, travel and did I mention work – I’m exhausted! So we’ve been a little neglectful in our cooking and posting (certainly not our eating though!). But not to fear – we will keep on with our international and state night cooking adventures (even if just a bit more infrequently than we used to). We enjoy cooking, learning, eating and of course all of you too much to let it fall to the wayside!

So long story short, the avalanche that has consumed our spare time is why we’re delinquent in posting our favorite Alberta recipe and visiting many of your wonderful sites. Fortunately there were no avalanches on our Banff vacation. Just good food, great views and a spectacular time.

On our last day in Banff we went on a hike to a great little waterfall, then we took a ride on the gondola up to the overlook. What fabulous views!

The kids were nearly blown away and frozen by the wind up top,

but then we got to warm up in the natural hot springs (another GREAT recommendation Barb!)

Between all of our sightseeing fun, we did stop for several great meals. Our favorite dining experience was at Coyotes Southwestern Grill…Yes, I know – probably not the most Canadian of choices. That said, the ingredients were fresh and inventive. Mike and I ordered the Fresh Apple Gorgonzola Flatbread to share as an appetizer and that’s what we’ve recreated here.

After the appetizer arrived I was marveling at how thin they rolled the flatbread. That’s when the waiter filled us in that it was actually a tortilla!

This made the recipe even better – no bread baking! So we oiled up some tortilla shells and tossed on a mix of our ingredients which included fresh spinach, apple slices, goat cheese, Gorgonzola, fresh mozzarella, pecans and seasoning.

We baked our flatbreads at 400F for about 10 minutes. They smelled delicious!

Miss A and Mr. N had no interest in trying this one, and since they did at the restaurant (and weren’t crazy about it), we didn’t push. Instead the kids made their own more traditional pizza-style flatbreads. They were quite satisfied and asked that I report they were four spoons. I too gave the grown-up version four spoons.

It was the perfect blend of sweet, salty, crunchy and warm. Great comfort food with a lot of flavor. Mike on the other hand would have preferred less “stinky cheese” as he referred to it. It was a bit too heavy on the goat and Gorgonzola cheeses for his liking. He doesn’t mind those cheeses in small doses, so next time he’ll make his own too. 😉

Still he gave it 2-1/2 spoons and would likely bump it up to a 3 spoon meal after making his own taste adjustments. So really, this is one of those non-recipe recipes. Grab a tortilla, a blend of your favorite ingredients, toss it in the oven and voila – you have a fresh and delicious flatbread.

Thanks for joining us on our Canadian adventures. Up next we’re going to head back to the states for a few more delicious recipes from the Big Easy. Then, as promised, we’re off to Chile! And of course we’ll likely have a holiday recipe tossed in for fun too. Until next time…cheers!

Print this non-recipe, recipe: Three Cheese Apple Flatbread

29 thoughts on “Avalanche

  1. helene dsouza says:

    No wonder you are exhausted, you have been to so many places recently, I d be finished. ^.^ Something what I miss from Austria are the Therms (natural hot mineral water bathing center) and hot mountain springs. I really want to take my husband ones to experience that. It’s so rejuvenating. I like the place you visited, such a gorgeous photogenic view.


  2. Beth (@RunTraveler) says:

    It looks like you had a lovely trip! That part of Canada is SO beautiful. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

    And the flatbreads! I once had a flatbread with salmon and dill that I will dream about for the rest of my life… *drooling* The apple one looks equally delicious.


  3. Jessica Maher (@kbelleicious) says:

    so glad there wasn’t actually an avalanche- I was about to say OH NO when I read the title:) LOL! What fun you guys had! I am living my vacations through you right now as we haven’t been able to travel much with connor being sick all the time. that flatbread looks amazing


  4. Bam's Kitchen says:

    Great vacation photos and some experiences you will never forget. Chilling ones at that. A great way to warm up is of course the natural hot springs but also these delicious toasty flatbreads hot from the oven. What a fabulous idea for a tapas and tinis party or anything in between. Take Care, BAM


  5. spicegirlfla says:

    My daughter and I love to make these type of “flatbreads” with tortillas for weekend lunches! I love the stinky cheese but she doesn’t and the fun is in being able to make whatever you want. I’d take this combination without changing a thing!


  6. rsmacaalay says:

    That tree trunk looks funny! And your pizza looks so good that melting mozzarella makes it even more tempting. I love that you use flat bread, I also do it sometimes as well as with leftover flour tortillas


  7. Sawsan@ Chef in disguise says:

    I usually make quick pizza for the kids with pita bread. We split the pita pokets in two and top them with whatever topping the kids feel like. I must try your wonderful topping next but I have to say I am with Mike on this one, less stinky cheese for me 🙂
    P.S. I loved that wavy tree..it is amazing, any idea what made it grow that way?


  8. Eva Taylor says:

    I think we ate there too, Kristy! What a lovely trip that must have been. I’ve been making these pizza/flatbreads for years, particularly at the cottage for a quick lunch. Love the flavour combo for your version, yum.


  9. Charles says:

    Whoa, what amazing views – img_1748 is my favourite… such wonderful, rolling mountains and those buildings nestled amongst it all… is it a hotel? Lovely looking “flatbread” dish – haha, I love how they “tricked” you by using a tortilla, but it’s a great idea actually. Would make it very light! I’d be tempted to roll it up and eat it as it is, but baking it would certainly develop the flavours too. I gotta say I’m not a huge fan of gorgonzola either – blue cheeses and their ilk just seem too… funky to me, although in smaller quantities, and especially when cooked, they’re much more palatable.

    Hope you can “dig yourselves out” of the avalanche soon, and keep on truckin’ eatin’!


  10. Kelly @ Inspired Edibles says:

    Well I’d say that view was worth climbing for! (and even chilling for ;-)). Aren’t the hot springs a hoot? I’m so glad you had a great trip to Banff Kristy and I sure hope you’ll return for warmer/sunnier weather – it really is spectacular. And speaking of amazing things, this recipe has got me all excited!! :). The tortillas are brilliant – I’m not a big bread eater but do enjoy tortilla and the flavour combination here is just crazy delicious. Super photos too!


  11. hotlyspiced says:

    Gorgonzola is my most favourite cheese and I love it with apple so this ‘pizza’ would have been wonderful for me. I know how you feel about being busy – I’ve just started a new job and the hours are really long and I’m wondering how I’ll be able to keep up with my blogging. I guess we just have to do what we can. Beautiful photos of your holiday to Banff. xx


  12. ChgoJohn says:

    What a great idea and perfect for a pizza party. Not everyone wants a traditional pizza and even if they do, these would make great appetizers while the “real” pizzas are being prepared.
    That view overlooking the valley was nothing short of spectacular! Looks like you guys had a wonderful holiday. Yay!


  13. Three Well Beings says:

    It’s great to see the photos from your vacation. I particularly like those natural hot springs! They look so enticing. I can certainly understand how life gets busy and hectic, and we aren’t even quite into December yet. Just continue to take care of yourself. And enjoy more of your little flatbreads. They look scrumptious! They remind me of what we call quesadillas. Made with tortillas and cheese, they are structurally very similar to your flatbreads. I don’t care what they’re called…they are just fabulous! It was good to find your post tonight, Kristy! 🙂


  14. Dawn says:

    What a wonderful trip you had – I hope we can go there someday, it is on our list…and even driving distance for us! The flatbread looks delicious – and I am so sorry about your avalanche – I completely understand. I feel like that this week too…


  15. Barbara Bamber | justasmidgen says:

    Coyotes is one of our favorites restaurants, we always try to stop in when we’re in Banff! I’m so glad you chose that one, it’s the best I think! Now you two have worked out one of their menu items for us.. and I can’t wait to try it. Having it on a tortilla makes it so easy and a fewer calories at Christmas is never a bad thing!!xx


  16. Profiteroles & Ponytails says:

    I was a little worried when I saw that the title of your post was avalanche! Whew! Glad that you enjoyed the gondola and hot springs. (Thanks for the shout out!) Isn’t it amazing to look out onto those gorgeous mountains, while you are relaxing in the hot, steamy water? Oh, how I loved that. Your flatbread is a great option for us grown-ups next time I make plain cheese quesadillas for the girls. Looking forward to making this!


  17. sallybr says:

    Oh, my! First of all, congrats on the bravery of going to the top and surviving the cold. I would have died on the spot, which would be a very sad thing to happen.

    Second, now I want to make a focaccia with the exact same toppings, but the idea of using the tortillas was brilliant, and so much lighter! You guys rock!

    great to see you posting, I was wondering what was going on.. 😉


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