From Sesame Street to Sesame Chicken

I mentioned in the last post that this was Mr. N’s special week. So for the next few posts we’ll be setting Romania aside to bring you Mr. N’s birthday meal of choice. Gone are the days of kicking back and watching Sesame Street with my favorite little boy. He’s eight now and rolls his eyes at the sight of anything Sesame Street related. Now he’s into LEGO’s, reading mystery books and running around with his friends (without his mom). While I miss the days of carrying him around everywhere with me (Man, did he love to be carried!), it’s such a joy watching him grow and develop such an active imagination, gentle nature and terrific sense of humor.

Mr. N’s 1st Birthday

So what did Mr. N request for his birthday? Sesame Chicken. Well, actually he told me he wanted some kind of Chinese chicken. When I asked what kind, he requested I pull something up on the internet. So I Googled “Chinese chicken” images and passed him the computer. He browsed through a page or two of pictures and then said, “This one. I want this one.” And so today, Mr. N — who’s writing this along side of me and rather embarrassed at the moment with his mom’s mushiness — bring you a lighter version of the popular Sesame Chicken which we adapted from a Martha Stewart recipe. Incidentally it’s also a really easy recipe which gave me more time to work on the dessert that we’ll share soon. Alright…take it away Mr. N. 

We made the sauce, which was the first step in making the chicken. In the sauce there was honey, soy sauce, sesame seeds and garlic. It smelled really good. (Mr. N said I’m like Rita Skeeter…”I only said good. Not really good.” I’ll try to type word-for-word now.)

We mixed the egg whites and the corn starch, then we it was time to drop the chicken in and then we mixed it all together.

We put oil in the metal pan (the wok) and then we put the chicken in it. We cooked it on medium-high heat until it was golden brown.

We added the sauce and the scallions to the chicken and stirred it together. Then we ate it and it tasted good. The end.

(Before you run off Mr. N…spoon rating?) I gave it 4 spoons and we lived happily ever after. The end.

Okay, so I guess the novelty of writing a blog wore off. But I can tell you Mr. N was very happy with his birthday dinner. He even had seconds and asked for thirds. We told him to save room for dessert. 

Miss A and I also enjoyed the sesame chicken, especially with an extra dash or two of soy sauce to top it off. It was slightly sweet and a bit salty, a 3 spooner for she and I.

Mike wasn’t the biggest fan of the chicken though. He said it was fine. 2-1/2 spoons. He’s not a big fan of chicken dinners though.

The important thing here though – it was another successful birthday meal, and Mr. N was happy. And quite frankly, there’s nothing more important in the world than the happiness (and safety) of my two precious kiddos – at any age.

Mr. N’s 2nd birthday – giving a “thumbs-up!”

Print this recipe: Sesame Chicken Lite

25 thoughts on “From Sesame Street to Sesame Chicken

  1. Three Well Beings says:

    Oh I am so sorry I missed Mr. N’s birthday! I don’t know how I missed it, actually, but I started reading about his special cake and realized I was completely out of step! Eight years old is such a special age! And he’s obviously a very special young man! i missed his birthday but wish him a wonderful year to come! 🙂 Debra


  2. Casey says:

    yummy!! That sounds and looks awesome, happy birthday to mr. N 🙂 Love the pictures, he looks like he was quite the cutie!


  3. ceciliag says:

    What I loved about this post was that you were writing his words EXACTLY. Here are my words for Mr N. Happy Birthday Mr N. The End. Oh and great chicken That is all. The Ender. I have left room for dessert. The Endest! c


  4. Sawsan@ Chef in disguise says:

    This is such a precious post Kristy, I was just reading a post about a birthday cake for a blogger friend’s 13th birthday and she was going on and on about how in the blink of an eye the sweet boy who was all cute and cuddly and loved to kiss her knees transformed into an angry teenager.
    My little boy is 3 and he still loves to be carried whenever possible and I am actually enjoying every minute of it because I know they are bound to grow up and change
    Happy Birthday Mr N.
    Wishing you many many happy years full of magic


  5. Kelly @ Inspired Edibles says:

    Well, a big thumbs-up to Mr. N and a successful birthday meal! Nothing better than a happy lad on his birthday… and what a yummy choice – this sesame chicken would be well received in our home too. (As would the kid friendly chopsticks ;-)). Love the word-for-word description mom; precious. Happy 8th Birthday Mr. N!


  6. Karen says:

    A “Happy Birthday” wish to Mr. N. I love a story that ends with they lived happy ever after. That means it was a very successful birthday meal.


  7. Nami | Just One Cookbook says:

    Happy 2nd B-day Mr. N!!! He’s SUPER adorable, Kristy! Love the picture of him in a present box (that’s a good one!). I went to friend’s kid’s 2nd b-day. I miss those days… my kids are 6 and 4 and they started to be more independent. The sesame chicken looks delicious! Looking forward to the dessert dish!


  8. ChgoJohn says:

    A very happy birthday to a very special SousChef, Mr. N. Sesame chicken sounds like it would have make a perfect birthday dinner, worth every one of his 4 spoons. Then again, anything served on that plate must be delicious! Was the dessert his choosing, too? No matter. I still cannot wait to see it.


  9. Just A Smidgen says:

    Oh… and a “Happy Birthday to you!” Mr. N! I think you’d better be careful.. he may take over your blog and you’d be out of a job in no time;) Seriously yummy chicken, Mr. N… when can you come show my 18 year old how to make it?? xo Smidge


  10. hotlyspiced says:

    I’ve only recently started cooking Chinese food and I didn’t realise how many recipes use cornflour. The way you cooked this is so similar to the recipes I cook from my Kylie Kwong Simple Chinese cookbook. Glad the b’day dinner was a big success. Happy Father’s Day to your husband. Love the 1st b’day photo where he looks like he’s the present. xx


  11. Profiteroles & Ponytails says:

    LOL at the eye rolling comment. Happy birthday Mr. N. Today was my big ponytail’s 7th birthday party — though her real birthday is next week (but dad will be away fishing). This sesame chicken sounds like a winner. I’m bookmarking it as I think both girls would love it. Enjoy the rest of Mr. N’s birthday weekend! The weather has been spectacular here — hope it is there as well!


  12. Charles says:

    Happy Birthday Mr N, for whenever it might be. I didn’t know Mike wasn’t a big fan of chicken… It’s nice to find someone who understands me! People think I’m crazy for not being a big chicken fan!

    It looks like great meal though – and I’m impressed – few are the kids who’d pick out a dish which had broccoli in the picture! 😀


  13. A_Boleyn says:

    It does sound like quite a successful and tasty birthday meal especially if the b’day boy gave it 4 spoons. It sounds like he’s from the ‘less is more’ school of journalism. Short and sweet. 🙂 And Mr. N was SUCH a cutie in his thumbs up 2nd b’day pictures.

    Love the celebration plate, by the way.


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