More Deliciousness from New Zealand

As promised, we have one more delicious recipe from New Zealand. I think that to-date this has been my favorite cooking destination on this adventure and I know that many of these recipes will become part of our regular rotation. Earlier this week, Mr. N and I baked up these little gems – ANZAC Biscuits.

They are a traditional treat from both Australia and New Zealand and were often sent to soldiers in the Great War; thus the name Australian and New Zealand Army Corp or ANZAC biscuits. The traditional recipe is easy to make and the biscuits last for weeks without perishing.

Mr. N and I baked these up in about an hour. First we combined the flour, oats, coconut and sugar into a bowl. Next we melted the butter into the golden syrup. Golden syrup is absolutely crucial to this recipe and difficult to find. We ordered this can on Amazon.

We then dissolved a teaspoon of baking soda in very hot water and added it to the melted syrup/butter. Mr. N enjoyed watching it froth and bubble-up.

Next we made a well in the dry ingredients and added the wet ingredients, mixing them together completely. Finally we placed teaspoon sized balls onto a greased cookie sheet and depressed them with a fork.

The ANZAC biscuits baked at 350F for 10 minutes. We highly recommend sneaking little tastes of the batter and eating several of these little cookies straight from the oven.

The ANZAC biscuits are divine when freshly baked. Mr. N really enjoyed these cookies fresh, but his enthusiasm waned the next day. Dad, Miss A and I on the other hand, have been eating these up all week (and that’s after giving several away). The recipe makes about 45 cookies. Once again, New Zealand gives us a tasty recipe! Cheerio mate!

Print this recipe: ANZAC Biscuits

9 thoughts on “More Deliciousness from New Zealand

  1. Babygirl says:

    Mr. N’s face is priceless in this post lol. I love it, he looks adorable. I have never heard of ANZAC Biscuits before but they really look delicious. I have to check out this recipe. Thanks for sharing a lovely post as always 🙂


  2. Charles says:

    Love ANZAC biscuits – an Australian colleague brought some in recently! On the subject of Golden Syrup, I recently discovered the awesomeness that is BritishCornerShop ( Delivery might be pricey depending on where you are. For me in France I think it’s about €15. They do delivery per 30 kilo box, so it’s actually a great deal. I usually stock up on flour and all sorts of things, plus they sell massive cans of Golden Syrup too!


    • ChefMom says:

      Thank you Charles! I jush checked out the site – it is awesome! This will be a wonderful resource for us as we cook recipes from Britain as well as British-influenced cuisines from around the world.


      • Charles says:

        No worries! They just started doing delivery of chilled goods (meat, dairy etc) over to France. Finally I can get lamb mince and cumberland sausages! Hope you can find the stuff you need on there.


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