The Recipe that Sparked an Obsession

Several of you have asked how Miss A’s balsamic obsession began. Well, it started when I found a recipe for Strawberry Bruschetta on Annie’s Eats. I’m always on the lookout for quick, easy and healthy recipes to make for myself for lunch. I have a terrible time with this meal. I’m usually just cooking for myself, I don’t have a lot of timeĀ and I don’t want to over eat. I figured I could easily adapt Annie’s recipe to go on my little pita crackers (my current lunch obsession) for a quick lunch.

What I didn’t count on was how much Miss A would enjoy this dish as well. I mean it has goat cheese, basil and balsamic – not the type of ingredients that most little ones find palatable. Oh was I wrong on that one! She devoured her first one and kept right on going. So here’s the easy to make Strawberry Bruschetta Appetizer I adapted from Annie’s recipe, and Miss A’s favorite lunch. Continue reading